:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Bitcoin needs you fa…
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Autor: Ray@easybitz
Data: 2014-10-26 14:20 -000
Para: System undo crew
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Bitcoin needs you face
Thanks. Getting tons of requests for interviews. Looking good.

You'd be surprised how many of the "dark" crowd want to be filmed...

Alot of work needs to be done to get btc into peoples hands so merchants have a reason to take it. This means expanding beyond the male geek crowd to females and mass market.

We lead the retail space and what we notice is the immense turn over. Merchants try accepting btc but stop because they do not get enough business.

1. We need a way to mobilize the current btc holders to support merchants in their city. sign up on easybitz.com if you want to help with this.

2. We need to grow the size of the btc holding community. This means we need to give them a reason to want it and an easy way to get it.

We are going to build a sustem that lets retail merchants sell bitcoin but we still need to give normal folks a REASON to buy bitcoin.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

> On Oct 26, 2014, at 10:47 AM, Tim Patrick <judoman589@???> wrote:
> I liked the video, though, I would like to see a video of the hackers, drug dealers, anarchists, and revolutionaries in bitcoin. Not that they would want to be filmed tho ;)
>> On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Ray@easybitz <ray@???> wrote:
>> Thanks Dave,
>> Bitcoin really does need a facelift. Trying to signup merchants in nyc for eight months has shown us all the holes we need to fill. We gotta do it together.
>> We wanna see btc mainstream. There will still be room for stuff like dark wallet etc and prob an even bigger market when bitcoin goes "legit"
>>> On Oct 25, 2014, at 7:56 PM, Dave Hollis <noagendamarket@???> wrote:
>>> Shared :)
>>>> On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 8:56 AM, Ray@easybitz <ray@???> wrote:
>>>> This is the right link.
>>>> http://youtu.be/VzWIwy68dvo
>>>> Had to switch to a non copyrighted song. .3 btc to anyone who can guess the two video game tunes ;)
>>>>> On Oct 25, 2014, at 5:54 PM, TecZ <techzombie432@???> wrote:
>>>>> http://youtu.be/YhZQPoXFWjE
>>>>> Not sure how you guys feel about this but we'd love to have the rebel alliance unsystem crew in the movie. You guys have been holding it down!
>>>>> -ray
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