:: Re: [Bricolabs] developers and weav…
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Autor: ricardo ruiz
Data: 2014-10-23 19:00 -000
A: Bricolabs
Assumpte: Re: [Bricolabs] developers and weavers: thoughts on project funding, sustainability, public rating and the CHEST #2 desaster
felipe, i think it is usefull to send to this list the last text we worte
about susteinability and funding

:(){ :|:& };:
Unix Shell Forkbomb (2002)

2014-09-15 16:21 GMT-03:00 Felipe Fonseca <felipefonseca@???>:

> Jaromil and all,
> I'm myself trying again to make sense of these delicate balances
> (funding/autonomy/sustainability). After a low tide that affected a lot
> of projects here in Brazil (I believe I have commented in this mailing list
> before about the changes in the Ministry of Culture), now there are some
> interesting signs of things getting back on track.
> The Ministry has called me to advise on public policies for digital
> culture once again, following up on a project (Redelabs) that started in
> 2010 and was left to rot from the next year on. They accepted my critical
> take on the 'creative economy' wave and recommendations for more open and
> often useless developments. I'm only not too excited about it because we
> are facing general elections again, and it's hard to be hopeful in such
> times.
> Anyway, Jaromil's suggestion of ethnographic research to choose projects
> may indeed be criticised - but I believe it is really important to
> establish more nuanced and - why not - ambiguous criteria for selection
> processes. The trend of evaluating everything in terms of numbers, audience
> and potential profit has done a lot of damage already and is hardly
> relevant if one is concerned with the common good.
> OTOH, sometimes it's easier to pretend we conform to the general discourse
> but make sure the evaluating board is composed of people with enough ground
> experience to tell good projects from others.
> Still looking for solutions here...
> efe
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