:: [Dng] :^)
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Skribent: Jaromil
Til: dng
Emne: [Dng] :^)

re all
any last corrections to the ml welcome text plz downquote.

The Dng acronym stands for Debian is Not GNOME.

On the 18 October the Veteran Unix Admins have released a communication:
Shall we fork Debian™? :^|

This was probably the most popular news hit and public outcry before the
final vote for the Ian Jackson resolution, the last thing standing
between Debian and the systemd avalanche.

We don't know yet the result of this GR and only the leaders in Debian
can influence this situation now.
We hope it is not necessary. We hope that the Debian leaders reconsider
their position.
Something like that makes a good leader in everyone's eyes.

There was a 4v4 vote close to draw a year ago and a huge critical mass
that is obvious from the media effect of debianfork.org.

Good leaders wake up to such calls. If you don't reconsider it, it hurts
all of us, because it breaks our trust in the integrity of Debian's

It means that Debian betrays some among its founding principles: first
of all respect the freedom of users and second of all to be a universal

This makes our act necessary. We call it a fork: a sort of a split in
the history of Debian, to keep it real and free for everyone.

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