:: Re: [unSYSTEM] wealth redistributio…
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Autor: Chris Pacia
Data: 2014-10-21 20:18 -000
A: unsystem
Assumpte: Re: [unSYSTEM] wealth redistribution and the rule of law

> tl;dr wealth and power are interchangeable, wealth/power pools
> up in certain lucky and industrious individuals, without
> redistributing it, democracies devolve into oligarchies and then
> eventually into monarchy or chaos. The US is in the oligarchy
> phase.

This likely does apply to democracies since those with access to power
to use it to their advantage. Some gain at the expense of others. But
for your indictment of libertarianism to stick you need to show that
pure free market would do the same thing. How? What are the causal
mechanisms? Despite public schools doing their best to indoctrinate the
belief that free markets lead to wealth consolidation from which we need
the government to save us, there is really nothing in economics
supporting this claim and economic theory and the bulk of economic
history disprove it.