:: [unSYSTEM] CoinJoin Distribution {f…
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Lähettäjä: Odinn Cyberguerrilla
Päiväys: 2014-10-08 21:02 -000
Vastaanottaja: System undo crew
Kopio: greg, cozzlovan
Aihe: [unSYSTEM] CoinJoin Distribution {funds}

This is a question for developers relative to the distribution of funds
relating specifically to CoinJoin, in connection with a multisignature
fund which is collectively held / managed by gmaxwell, sipa, and
theymos. The fund in question is shown here with a balance of just over
42 BTC at the time of this e-mail:

In the past this has been discussed as part of a thread, example here:


Recently I posed questions relative to CoinJoin and its fund which can
be seen from here, which included a response from laanwj on github:

Following my posting of such questions, and a post I made on bitcointalk
about it, I received a response also in bitcointalk, which can be seen
as part of a thread here:
(in which wumpus suggested communication with Cozz as a possibility
relative to the process of development of things that would be
associated with the bounty)

Finally there was recently a brief interaction twitter in which
(@orionwl on twitter [Wladimir]) responded, which are shown as replies

In my response to Wladimir I indicated I would pose this question
regarding CoinJoin distribution to the list, thus this e-mail which I am
sending to the list today is seeking an answer to certain questions.

Following my communication on the subject my questions are as follows:

1) Since the earlier discussion on the Unsystem list in 2014 regarding
the possibility of distribution of some or all of the bounty fund to
darkwallet, has there been some agreement between Darkwallet developers
and the maintainers of the multisignature address (gmaxwell, sipa,
theymos) as to how and when that might occur?
Additionally, did Amir Taaki ever get his part of the bounty for
implementing CoinJoin first? (It does not seem so from looking at the
multisignature fund, but please advise what has happened thus far.)

2) Are some proposals which the maintainers of that fund have identified
as reasonable candidates to receive such funding? (If anyone knows of
such please indicate what they are by way or reply.)

3) If core developers / maintainers of bitcoin are working towards a
technically better / easier to use proposal or proposals that could be
incorporated directly into bitcoin or made available through any wallet,
what are these? Particularly in light of developments in the Russian
Federation, UNSC, and beyond, this seems timely to address.

Where there is a way to protect users in a manner that clearly addresses
the issues and problems of discoverability and linkability of
transactions, it would certainly be good to see it integrated directly
into bitcoin, available in Core as an option, and made easy for various
wallet developers to incorporate as well. Thank you for reading this and
responding to these questions and concerns.

Note: I've sent this to the Unsystem list and copied genjix, Cozz,
laanwj ang gmaxwell, but if I should have included someone else please
feel free to forward this along to them as well.
Thank you
