:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Geolibertarians and …
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Skribent: Brandon Bridge
Dato: 2014-10-07 14:48 -000
Til: System undo crew
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] Geolibertarians and Land Value Tax to replace all other forms of unjust taxation
I find this to be an intriguing idea. Some things to chew on, in response
to this:

individuals must pay rent to the community if they claim land as their
> private property

What is the efficient and fair rate of taxation? How is it
collected/distributed? What constitutes the community? As information
expands, geographical distances become more trivial in regards to
individual's preferences.

For example: if I learn about a scenic and historic piece of land that is
about to be developed for real estate thousands of miles away from me,
though I had never heard of this place prior to reading about the impending
development, suddenly I have preferences on whether or not the development
should take place. Am I now a part of the community who is being excluded
from a natural resource and entitled to tax revenue?

Or is the goal of the land value tax to pertain only to those individuals
who have voluntarily joined some geographical region/collective? It seems
this would get tricky with scale.

Trickiness aside, this (taken from Wikipedia) strikes me as objectively true

"They say that private property is derived from an individual's right to
the fruits of their *labor*. Since land was not created by anyone's labor,
it cannot be rightfully owned."