:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Regulation panel at …
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Szerző: Matthew Holt
Dátum: 2014-10-05 23:38 -000
Címzett: System undo crew
Tárgy: Re: [unSYSTEM] Regulation panel at inside Bitcoin
Unless you're deeply invested in bitcoin then new anonymous deep web
cryptocurrencies offer something a lot better to users demanding privacy
and freedom from the legacy systems. There's already a new type of
exchange that requires no registration to trade alts for BTC and
vice-versa. So there's a quick easy route to fiat cash and also into the
networks. While look at FairCoop <https://fair.coop/> on their plan to
only trade with Faircoin <http://fair-coin.org/>. I've been involved with
Bitcoin since the early Britcoin days of 2011 but I don't have large masses
of bitcoin stashed nor do I feel like I owe it anything. If anything
Bitcoin with its public blockchain make it ideal for the pro-regulation
camps. And TBH the bitcoin price could really take off once the coin is
fully regulated, but the cat is out of the bag now. And anonymous plus
deep-web cryptocurrencies like Anoncoin and Monero are here now. That's
where system-D monies will eventually start to head. Not to a permanently
public bitcoin blockchain. Also I don't feel that anything built off or
around the CoinJoin protocol could ever really offer real life or death
anonymity, but it may make users feel better. So could help further the
cryptocoin cause. Like Darkcoin once it's used enough it's going to be be
playing whack-a-mole with privacy exploits for ever and a day IMHO. While
yes these are just my opinions for whatever worth they may add to these
discussions. Also BTW I've donated to Darkcoin and helped raise funds also.

On 6 October 2014 01:35, Washington Sanchez <washington.sanchez@???>

> "Whatever dude, that's just like your opinion..."
> On 06/10/2014 7:34 AM, "Julia Tourianski" <juliatourianski@???>
> wrote:
>> First I was censored
>> Then it got too awkward for him, so he let me speak. This is the worst
>> type of thinking we can encounter.
>> "We live in the real world, you can't change reality"
>> "When I was 20 sure I thought I could fight the government, but you have
>> to be pragmatic"
>> "I'm gonna quote Shakespeare, you can smile and smile but be a villain,
>> well you can whine and whine but the reality is there needs to be
>> regulation"
>> "Regulation is inevitable, it had value, it's there for a reason.
>> Everything is regulated, it's valid"
>> "Compliance is a necessary evil"
>> - Juan Llanos
>> Me response
>> https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=785756038149327
>> - Julia Tourianski
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