:: Re: [unSYSTEM] "U.S. Military Probi…
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Autor: Odinn Cyberguerrilla
Data: 2014-10-04 06:41 -000
A: System undo crew
Assumpte: Re: [unSYSTEM] "U.S. Military Probing Digital Currencies in Terror Fight" NBC article
On 2014-10-02 00:00, Joerg Platzer wrote:
> I believe they will take their focus off Bitcoin soon and concentrate
> on the war on grain:
> "Special Report: Islamic State uses grain to tighten grip in Iraq"
> http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/30/us-mideast-crisis-wheat-idUSKCN0HP12J20140930
> ++jp
> ________________________________________
> Von: unSYSTEM <unsystem-bounces@???> im Auftrag von Troy
> Benjegerdes <hozer@???>
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. September 2014 06:12
> An: System undo crew
> Betreff: Re: [unSYSTEM] "U.S. Military Probing Digital Currencies in
> Terror Fight" NBC article
> The invisible economy is not affraid of new invisible economies,
> they can just kinetically co-opt it.
> My opinion is the military-capital-industrial complex is terrified
> of transparency, and this is what makes bitcoin and it's derivatives
> that can be tracked so disruptive.
> Of course, if you want to outspend 'the complex', you actually need
> people to realize they have a choice in what currency they spend.
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 05:33:04PM +0200, Bezdomny wrote:
>> Total value of Bitcoin at the moment is around 4BLN euro,
>> US annual military spending is almost 700BLN dollar.
>> What could they possibly be afraid of?
>> An interesting idea would be something called “TrillionCoin” whose
>> sole purpose would be to outspend the US defense budget, like Reagan
>> *claimed* to have bankrupted the soviets (not true at all) out of the
>> cold war, perhaps TrillionCoin could bankrupt capital since it’s based
>> solely on military power. Actually, all this is quite laughable
>> because only 1/3 of world economy is visible, 2/3 are illegal things
>> done on transnational scale: arms & drugs. The rest of the scraps we
>> are arguing over (mortgages, loans, tuition, bla) are really nothing
>> in comparison to the amount of invisible commerce done at high levels,
>> and this is what provokes fear of bitcoin, the fear that another
>> invisible economy could exist in parallel to the “official” invisible
>> economy.
>> On Sep 29, 2014, at 4:55 PM, Amir Taaki <genjix@???> wrote:
>> > On 09/29/2014 01:57 PM, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
>> >> http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terror/u-s-military-probing-digital-currencies-terror-fight-n212371
>> >
>> > Holy shit, why was I not invited to this event?
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>> > https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem

Was having problem on send earlier. Trying again with shorter version
as response to this thread rather than posting new thread.

In short,
in light of recent Russian pronouncements (just as an example) this got
me thinking about a "list" ~ e.g. a resource list which could be done in
various languages that would describe to users what wallets, coins, etc.
they can use today that will help them deal with heavy regulation and /
or bans that we are seeing pushed by (NorthKoreanesque) organizations
such as NY State, China, and now Russian Federation.

My idea was that this would be something that could be a sort of list
that could be seen from the darkwallet page and / or on the wiki and

This list could be simple as something like this (but provide in
Russian, Chinese, Spanish, etc - perhaps even focusing on languages in
countries where bitcoin is banned or heavily regulated ~ though here I
just provide a short example in English):


WALLET       COIN          WALLET STATUS      FEATURE(S)        
Electrum     bitcoin (BTC)      Functional  Stealth send        
Darkwallet   bitcoin (BTC)      Testing     Stealth send/rec    
Simplewallet bytecoin (BCN)     Functional  Ring signature      
(Not yet)    Zerocash w/ BTC    (Not yet)     Mint and pour     

Looking forward to hearing thoughts about this idea and how it would be
maintained if published somewhere DW.

>> _______________________________________________
>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Troy Benjegerdes                 'da hozer'                  
> hozer@???
> 7 elements      earth::water::air::fire::mind::spirit::soul        
> grid.coop

>       Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel,
>          nor try buy a hacker who makes money by the megahash

> _______________________________________________
> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
> _______________________________________________
> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem