:: Re: [unSYSTEM] BitNation: Governanc…
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著者: Odinn Cyberguerrilla
To: System undo crew
題目: Re: [unSYSTEM] BitNation: Governance 2.0
Actually, there is not "must" to anything here. No-one has my consent
to establish a notion of "government" (which, IMHO, is much better
described by the term 'corporation-state') by stating we must (or should
or shall) "expand our mutual definition" of it. In point of fact, since
we are on the subject of definitions, one could argue that strictly
speaking, the "government," or "corporation-state," or whatever (x, y,
or z) you want to call the non-consensual point of reference to which
you refer, does not meaningfully exist. It is a fiction which is used
to emasculate (and hide the remains of) the truth of the process by
which that fiction's adherents continue to function.

The world will operate just fine without anyone's adherence to whatever
notions you decide to create. Naturally, you'll still be able to find
plenty of people who can be tricked into believing that they've granted
your notion consent to exist and to have it be intricately woven into
their lives.

Define it or redefine it as you like, but the nature of humankind is
such that there will always be despots, no matter whether they attempt
to exert pressure and and excess of force on others physically, through
their efforts to imprint old terms (such as "governance") upon the
blockchain in hopes of somehow preserving them for antiquity, or through
whatever other methods of coercion some might imagine and intend.

I see this as a divergent point in the conversation. How did the old
poem go? "Two paths diverged in a wood..... Goodbye."

In closing, I wish to add the following, which was a contribution to one
of my writings co-authored by an old friend:

"If you become attached to the ship and love the ship, when you arrive
at the shore of enlightenment will you disembark? Similarly political
ideologies are all equally empty. People are imbued with the essence of
justice, can recognize it, and have a root knowledge that transcends
reason of what a just society will look like, even though it has yet to
manifest itself on this earth. We build political ideologies and
analysis in order to take us to this just society, but all too often
fall in love with these ideologies, and treat them as if they are the
just society. This misidentification of the vehicle for the destination
leads to authoritarianism and the opposite of the just society. The most
important part of the post globalization popular revolts is the
identification, development, and expression of the people’s intention to
live in a just society. The many vehicles or ideologies presented are of
limited and waning importance. Whichever boat some one takes is not
important, that all people arrive is."

On 2014-10-03 00:13, Josh Walker wrote:
> I believe they do, but to discuss them we must expand our mutual
> definition
> of "government". If we accept that government is a de facto monopoly on
> a
> set of services, rather than an *involuntary* monopoly on goods and
> services (enforced by the threat of deadly force, at present), we may
> make
> progress. You speak of Government, and I wish to merely discuss
> government.
> Consider a new definition of government. Let us define our new
> government
> as, a set of services where the price of consensus is less than the
> price
> of dissent. In fact, the sad reality is that's already true today,
> which
> our "enemy" also knows. Therefore our goal must be to shift that
> balance in
> the favor of dissent, without violating our ethical principles.
> The fragility of the individual human is the weak link in the creation
> of
> sustainable systems of governance, whether anarchy, democracy,
> oligarchy,
> etc. It is not easy to fight against the biological imperative for
> survival, so we must temper the amount to which we blame "weaker" minds
> for
> succumbing to the incentives of corrupt systems.
> Put simpler, how do we engineer a superior set of incentives such that
> simpler minds' incentives are *aligned* with the incentives of the
> system's
> superset?
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