:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Keybase stuff
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Autor: Mike Gogulski
Data: 2014-10-01 22:05 -000
Dla: System undo crew
Temat: Re: [unSYSTEM] Keybase stuff
Keybase doesn't address any of the unfriendliness you mention. What it
does for me is present a complementary social network alongside the
existing signature-based web-of-trust, and a much friendlier interface
for looking up people's keys than any of the public keyservers have ever

I've also observed that telling people to get into PGP by referring them
to Keybase has a higher success rate than, say, pointing them at
Enigmail, Thunderbird and a whole bunch of techie setup instructions. So
there's a friendliness bump in that regard.

Overall: Not yet proven. But it looks nice :)

On 10/01/2014 09:16 PM, eden wrote:
> On 14-09-30 00:51, Odinn Cyberguerrilla wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I recently joined keybase.io userbase and admins gave me three invites,
>     I was allowed to join... but i didn't get any invitations to give
> out. :(

>     In the meantime, i am wondering if someone can explain why this is
> innovative? It seems to just be another place to list one's contact
> information "Here's my security key, and you can find me at Twitter...
> Facebook... Diaspora..." etc.

>     It's not a bad thing, but i'm just wondering how this improves
> anonymity, security, or freedom? We can all get GnuPG for free and use
> it at any time. Why is it that i'm reluctant to cryptographically sign
> my messages already.? For me, it's partly due to people complaining
> about the messages getting too large because of the headers, partly
> because you lose graphics and even foreign languages sometimes, and
> partly due to the non-portability of the keys. So, how does Keybase.io
> help with these issues?

>     Thanks for any enlightenment.

> --
> eden
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