:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Keybase stuff
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Autor: Mike Gogulski
Data: 2014-10-01 11:22 -000
Para: System undo crew
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Keybase stuff
I've also got 3 invites available. https://keybase.io/mikegogulski

On 09/30/2014 10:00 AM, jhxnj@??? wrote:
> I also have invites available to give away. https://keybase.io/hxn
> Quoting Odinn Cyberguerrilla <odinn.cyberguerrilla@???>:
>> Hello,
>> I recently joined keybase.io userbase and admins gave me three invites,
>> it seems they are looking for alpha testers. This is their
>> documentation:
>> https://keybase.io/docs So if you are interested, ask me for invite
>> by composing
>> an e-mail to me at odinn.cyberguerrilla@???
>> and I will send one to each of the first three persons from unsystem
>> (hopefully to those who do stuff on github in all seriousness)
>> Apparently these invites allow you to get past the some thousands
>> already waiting to try to get into this thing.
>> Keybase is also briefly mentioned in Unsystem forum, here:
>> https://forum.unsystem.net/t/interoperability-and-trans-identical-identity-decentralization-proposals-thoughts-for-review/333
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> · ʙ³ʌʀ ·
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