:: Re: [unSYSTEM] BBC dark wallet
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Lähettäjä: Bezdomny
Päiväys: 2014-09-22 04:07 -000
Vastaanottaja: System undo crew
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] BBC dark wallet
In 1969, performance artist Vito Acconci began what he called the “Following Piece”. The piece is described as:

Following Piece was an activity that took place everyday on the streets of New York, between October 3rd and 25th, 1969. The terms of the exhibition “Street Works IV” were to do a piece, sometime during the month, that used a street in New York City. So Acconci decided to follow people around the streets and document his following of them.
In essence, Following Piece was concerned with the language of our bodies, not so much in a private manner, but in a deeply public manner. By selecting a passer-by at random until they entered a private space, Acconci submitted his own movements to the movements of others, showing how our bodies are themselves always subject to external forces that we may or may not be able to control. In his notes that the artist kept during the performance, Acconci wrote:

"Following Piece, potentially, could use all the time allotted and all the space available: I might be following people, all day long, everyday, through all the streets in New York City. In actuality, following episodes ranged from two or three minutes when someone got into a car and I couldn’t grab a taxi, I couldn’t follow – to seven or eight hours – when a person went to a restaurant, a movie."

In 2000, Eva and Franco Mattes began their “Life Sharing” experiment, where they voluntarily gave anyone access to their private computers, their locations and private communications. “Privacy is Stupid” was the motto of the piece.

If the best association that the corporate sanctioned state media can make is that anonymity is ambiguously linked with terrorism then they should experience what it is like to be followed. Or to have every one of their emails read. To see what you start trying to hide when you actually have nothing to hide; when someone is watching you might just feel guilty for no reason. Levinas cites the presence of “the Third” that exists in all human interaction, those who ignore the existence of “the Third” are perhaps not human

On Sep 21, 2014, at 9:49 PM, Tim Patrick <judoman589@???> wrote:

> ISIS uses twitter, so we need to shut down twitter. Also, ISIS breath oxygen, so we should regulate or even ban it.
> On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 12:41 AM, Julia Tourianski <juliatourianski@???> wrote:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_9o63E_wjk
> awww they cut the best parts....
> ps. gold star to whoever can spot chris odom :P
> For the secrets and lies, my PGP key: https://libbitcoin.dyne.org/julia_tourianski.pgp.asc
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