:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Fair.Coop Decentrali…
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Autore: Odinn Cyberguerrilla
Data: 2014-09-22 01:24 -000
To: System undo crew
Oggetto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Fair.Coop Decentralized Autonomous Cooperative
On 2014-09-21 19:51, Wayne DePrince Jr. wrote:
> On ven, 2014-09-19 at 01:18 +0200, caedes wrote:
>> Reddit just posted:
>> https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2gt24e/occupying_the_money_system_enric_duran_and_p2p/
>> I will be helping out with technical infrastructure + programming. The
>> goal is we can make this into the first DACoop (decentralized
>> autonomous
>> cooperative), stock is cryptocurrency, can be linked to new kind of
>> social currency based on decentralized infrastructure and backed by
>> crypto, not fiat (unlike other social currencies). To do so there is a
>> long road ahead but it's coming and we can also leverage all theory
>> built on the concept of DAC/DAO.
>> The plan is audacious, but lays the path for social organizations
>> layed
>> on top of cryptocurrency, with an actual plan so after banks and state
>> go down we will have some social structure,
>     i am for positive change (including the fall of
> banks/state/corporations), and i pose this question with all humility
> and no snarkiness intended, as i meditate on it often and am curious as
> to people's opinions:

> assuming that banks/states/corporations go down as discussed above, on
> what infrastructure will cryptocurrency (and thus the social
> organization you hope to layer on top of it) exist, given that this
> modern capitalist global society (made up of said
> banks/states/corporations) is what seems to make the Internet,
> electrical grids, modern technology, and thus cryptocurrencies
> possible?
> heck, even this email and the chance to pose this question to you all
> depends on it!
> peace, w

All's fair in love and war, or something like that. And in another
cliche-y vein, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, perish (and maybe get
reborn, and such) all things must.



>> the moment is now since the
>> world is on fire and no way back.
>> All feedback is welcome.
>> cheers!
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