:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Catalan Independence
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Auteur: Matthew Holt
Date: 2014-09-20 00:10 -000
À: System undo crew
Sujet: Re: [unSYSTEM] Catalan Independence
I'm all for devolution. Even though a majority voted NO in the Scottish
IndyRef Scotland will soon be getting more devolution powers. Next on the
cards is devolution for the Greater Manchester conurbation. Which has a
larger economy than both Northern Ireland and Wales. Plus a larger
population than Northern Ireland. It could do with its own interest debt
free money creation currency system then. I'm still closely following
HullCoin - https://twitter.com/HullCoin

Matt H

On 19 September 2014 21:17, Robert Jakob <rsjakob@???> wrote:

> Catalan parliament approves independence referendum http://cir.ca/s/8VL
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