:: Re: [unSYSTEM] The end game
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Szerző: Yannick Bouchard
Dátum: 2014-09-19 14:34 -000
Címzett: System undo crew
Tárgy: Re: [unSYSTEM] The end game

Hahahaha, I was talking to Cel about Good Will Hunting the other day.

The elections are:

- Scottish Independence
<http://cir.ca/news/scottish-independence-referendum> (from uk)
- NZ John key vs The Internet party

​Greenwald, Assange, Kim dot com, Snowden all spoke at a conference a week
ago*-ish* and disclosed that John Key *(the current NZ prime minister) *was
lying to the NZ public about mass surveillance. What was really crazy about
that conference *(for me anyways)* was when Kim's laywer *(also on the
panel)* explained how the U.S has been exporting their laws to other
countries and how they enforce that.

I'd love to get more into it when you get back, add it to the list lol.

My courses are good.

MATH1300 isn't as hard as I thought it would be, Vector Geometry is
actually somewhat logical so I haven't had to many problems with it.

COMP2180, COMP2160 and COMP2140 are both really good and should get better
as the year progresses.

RLGN2020 *(intro to buddhism) *Is good but kind of a disappointment so far,
apparently it gets better so we'll see. Not sure what I was expecting lol.
It might be the prof when i think about it.