:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Ecuador Digital Curr…
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To: System undo crew
CC: System undo crew
Betreff: Re: [unSYSTEM] Ecuador Digital Currency
If the Heroic offer to Help Assange is the only defence in your eyes,
here is something to read & consider :

Iron Truth # 1 : The mission of the Global MSM is to steer the
peoples’ thoughts and opinions in the direction desired by the ruling

Iron Truth # 2 : The MSM would NEVER hype a story, or an individual,
that poses a true threat to the ruling class which it serves. Remember
the silent treatment given to Ron Paul?

Iron Truth # 3 : When all of the MSM start pushing/hyping the same
given narrative, of any given issue, all at the same time, understand
that the ruling class is selling you something!

April 2010 / Wikileaks Bursts Onto The World Stage

In April 2010, Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks publishes graphic gunsight
footage from a 3 year old Baghdad airstrike in which Iraqi journalists
were murdered by a U.S. helicopter. Though these types of incidents
were already well known, the MSM treats the video as if it is the
breaking story of the century!

The release of a video, showing Iraqis being murdered, gave WikiLeaks
credibility as a whistle-blowing operation.

2010 – 2011 / Wikileaks Releases More Documents

A good con-man must win the people’s confidence before he makes his
sting. By exposing a certain amount of wasteful military spending and
U.S. brutality (limited hangout), Assange’s WikiLeaks wins the trust
of many liberty loving, justice seeking Americans, as well as Europeans
and Arabs. He is also condemned by certain U.S. politicians &
journalists. This condemnation (some of it feigned, some of it genuine)
is known in intelligence circles as “sheep-dipping”, and also
serves to build his credibility.

The MSM makes an instant international super-star of the shady
Austrailian Assange!

Late 2010 – 2011 / Wikileaks Switches Gears!

After gaining the world’s trust with his controlled attacks against
the U.S. government, Assange, a CIA (and/or Mossad) operative, aims his
WikiLeaks whistle-blowing weapon at the true intended targets. Leaked
documents no longer embarass America. But very damaging information
about corruption within the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen
are “leaked” to “assets” within the Arab press.


Leaks aimed at embarrassing Syria and Algeria are also released.


Wasn’t the original mission of WikiLeaks to expose U.S. aggression
and oppression in the Middle East? Why did Assange suddenly target
certain Arab states?

This con-game is a classic “bait & switch” scheme.

2011 / “Arab Spring” Topples Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen & Libya – War
Also Breaks Out In Syria – Wikileaks Claims Credit!

What a coincidence! All of the governments targeted byAssange’s
WikiLeaks become victims of the “Arab Spring”.

The MSM Fairy Tale tells us that the “Arab Spring” was a
“spontaneous” uprising of the people, that started in Tunisia, and
later spread to other nations. The reality is that the Globalist Axis
had targeted certain governments for regime change. They also seek to
crush any state that either dares to assert some degree of
independence, or that gets to chummy with Russia and/or China. The
formula for conducting “regime change” within the targeted states
is as follows:

Step 1: Assange’s WikiLeaks feeds very embarassing leaks to
“assets” within the Arab press.

Step 2: The targeted regime suddenly becomes very unpopular.

Step 3: Internal subversives (provacateurs) kick off the “spontaneous

Step 4: Ordinary citizens swell the ranks of the protestors.

Step 5: Paid traitors within the government and military force the
government to resign. Step 5a: (In Libya & Syria, paid terrorist
mercenaries (“rebels”) fight against the loyal military.)

Step 6: The MSM then claims that “people power” has triumphed over

Phony Arab Spring! Time named “The Protester” as 2011 “Person of
the Year”.
Business Insider: Julian Assange Says He Planned Arab Spring

The Guardian (UK): Amnesty International hails WikiLeaks and Guardian
as Arab spring ‘catalysts’

(The Guardian is the same newspaper now working with
“whistle-blower” Edward Snowden!)
Wikileaks Targets Russia’s Putin, And His Close Personal Friend,
Berlusconi Of Italy

The world government pushers hate Putin of Russia. Not only is mighty
Russia refusing to hand over its sovereignty to this Gang, but Putin is
blocking the much anticipated war against Syria and Iran. So it comes
as no surprise that WikiLeaks has also leaked on Putin, and his close
personal friend, Silvio Berluconi of Italy.

Putin remains as strong as ever, but Berlusconi was removed from office
after Wikileaks ruined him.


With the loss of his vacation buddy Berlusconi (thanks to WikiLeaks),
Putin lost his only true friend in Western Europe.

Putin & Berlusconi are close friends.

So, there it is.

The “heroic” whistle-blower / leaker Julian Assange, with the help
of the MSM, suckers in the entire world with his “anti-American /
anti-war” leaks. He then uses this “street-cred” to attack the
rivals of the U.S. / Israel / NATO Axis of Evil, setting the Middle
East on fire in the process. Wikileaks represents the most brilliant
psy-op since the 9/11 attacks (brought to you by the same planners!)

For its audacity, ingenuity, and destructive power, it will be hard to
top Julian Assange.

…………………Enter, Mr. Edward Snowden.

Summer 2013 / Msm Drops The Edward Snowden Hype-Bomb Upon The World!

In a sudden media blitz roll out, eerily similar to that of Julian
Assange, a Mr. Edward Snowden is introduced to the world as another
“heroic” whistle-blower. The vehicle which Snowden uses to expose
government wrong doing is a lawyer-turned-journalist named Glen
Greenwald of The Guardian Newspaper (UK) – the same newspaper that
PROUDLY boasts of its role in bringing about the “Arab Spring”!

Exactly as was the case with Assange, Snowden’s revelations of NSA
spying upon the public amount to all hype and no substance. It is
already well known that the NSA can listen to phone calls and read

Exactly as was the case with Assange, Snowden becomes a “fugitive”.
No explanation is given as to how he managed to escape, or how a
fugitive was able to get on a plane. Snowden flees to CIA-infested Hong
Kong where his “cause” is supported by a bizarre instant flash-mob
equipped with professionally made bi-lingual banners and picket signs!

Exactly as was the case with Assange, Snowden becomes an international

Exactly as was the case with Assange, Snowden (and Greenwald) are
cleverly, and theatrically condemned (sheep-dipped) by certain hated
Americans (Diane Feinstein, Donald Trump, George Bush I (an ex CIA

A sure sign of fakery. Professional banners and posters pop up
instantly throughout Hong Kong.

Instant ‘pro-Snowden’ Flash Mobs, with printed signs, pop up in
western influenced Hong Kong.

Glen Greenwald and the odious David Gregory stage a controlled spat on
NBC’s “Meet The Press” – Greenwald’s “sheep-dipping” as
an “anti-Establishment”, crusading journalist is now complete.

Snowden, Holed Up In Moscow Airport, Is In Contact With Julian Assange!

If Assange himself is a fugitive, how does he manage to stay in the
spotlight? How did Snowden come in contact with him? We read in the
July 6 USA Today:

“Assange, who once published thousands of illegally obtained U.S.
government diplomatic communications on his website, acknowledged
Monday that he is coordinating efforts to help National Security Agency
(NSA) leaker Edward Snowden evade U.S. justice.”


Is Julian Assange some sort of international King-Pin that he can
“coordinate efforts” – across continents – to help a fugitive,
while he himself is a fugitive? We have already suggested that Assange
is a fake. The fact that Snowden is hooked up with him pretty much
tells us all we need to know about him as well…….But there is more!

Excerpt from the Daily Beast:

“As the U.S. government presses Moscow to extradite former National
Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, America’s most wanted
leaker has a plan B. The former NSA systems administrator has already
given encoded files containing an archive of the secrets he lifted from
his old employer to several people.”

Exactly like Assange, Snowden has files to release. It is evident that
these files contain damaging information. Who is the target this time?
Foreign governments? American officials? How does an government
contractor just walk out with so many files? Why would this young man
destroy his life, defying the Feds and condemning himself to fugitive
status – just to tell us what we already knew? Oh, that’s
right….he is a “hero” and a “patriot”.

Can you smell the Hollywood BS?

If anyone here thinks this is not possible, then please watch this
& realize incredible level of sophistication we are dealing with here.
To think those who are in positions of power are just good'ol boys like
you & I is to completely
miss the boat here. Those who steer global events are psychopathic &
NOT like you & I.

Also this video is of great importance


Please WATCH the above & consider the implications.
This is what UNsystem means.



On lun, sep 1, 2014 at 3:36 AM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Aug 2014, Amir Taaki wrote:
>> Thank you. Good to know.
> these are all points of view, I wouldn't take Marco's account as a
> source of ultimate information. I also don't think he is lying to
> discredit Ecuador, because a monopoly on violence will always have
> such
> flaws.
> Yet, out of naivite' I think the move they have made in Ecuador with
> the
> Banco central and the next move with Banco del Sur is moving the
> geopolitical axis big time, ruling the US/EU egemony out of certain
> new
> financial pipes being formed in the south of the world.
> Will this affect our freedom? hardly. But it is fashinating and it
> does
> not have necessarily to be liquidated just because, obviously, all
> presidents in chief of a military army are shit no matter what.
> The narrative is that of liberation from colonialism of the central
> bank
> of Ecuador and is a bold move without many precedents (maybe just
> Iceland): they did kick out World Bank and IMF thugs and now look at
> new
> constituencies. All this is being criticised enough by the WSJ and NYT
> to the point I suggest we wait and see without too many prejudices and
> separating clearly the narrative of big state powers from that of
> emergent constituencies that start also within those systems.
> At last, I have met the Ecuadorian vice-minister to development 2 days
> ago in BXL and talked extensively about these issues. Believe me when
> I
> say they know what they are doing, but yes the view is that of a
> centralized bank - which for the first time in the history of its
> genre
> is working to *change* things, rather than keeping them the same as
> every other central bank ever did.
> ciao
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