:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Reputation based cur…
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Szerző: Amir Taaki
Dátum: 2014-08-25 14:06 -000
Címzett: unsystem
Tárgy: Re: [unSYSTEM] Reputation based currency?
wow man thanks for sharing, sounds amazing. will check out your videos.

On 24/08/14 22:53, nt0n0m wrote:
> Beloved UnSytem Family,
> I am so excited to share with you the launch of my video show.
> nondescrypt.net
> Please do me the favour of watching the first 5 minutes of
> "Episode2-Bitcoin"
> If you like... keep watching.
> I finished these over a week ago & have been struggling until now with
> what turned out to be some glitchy html code.
> Episode3-MMS & Ebola is very important stuff too.
> It feels great to de-anonymize & publicly stake out my position.
> Like what was said in an earlier thread "it's all talk until I step out
> in front of the tank."
> I've decided to take action & put myself in the path of the tank.
> On 14-08-24 08:38 AM, Julia Tourianski wrote:
>> you can't compare the objective reality of gravity to human
>> interaction and questions like right and wrong.
> I now believe they are completely comparable. It's my position that
> there is a Right & Wrong as clearly defined as gravity is. And that it's
> our job as the Humans currently living on Earth to defend what is right
> & to call out what is wrong. The planet is finite & it's becoming
> apparent to me that there isn't room for both. We will either have a
> psychopathic world order where humans, animals & nature are food for the
> machine or we will have a world where living beings are treated with
> dignity. I refuse to live in the former, so I have decided to dedicate
> myself to helping create the latter.
> BTW Julia, I LOVE your channel & I just recently discovered it after
> finishing my first 3 vids. I also didn't realize that it was you who
> made the I Am Anarchy series with Cody & Amir. I loved those videos too.
> & the declaration of Bitcoin's independence brought tears to my eyes
> twice in 5 back to back viewings.
> Feedback welcomed & appreciated. :)
>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 2:24 PM, nt0n0m <nt0n0m@???
>> <mailto:nt0n0m@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     I was just going to try & not throw my 2 cents in...
>>     but a few days later it pops in my head & I do feel it's important...

>>     On 14-08-21 04:29 PM, Josh Walker wrote:

>>         My belief system is that this is the method through which we
>>         achieve consensus about "right/wrong"

>>     I would suggest to the wonderful people on this list, that right &
>>     wrong are *not* decided by us.
>>     Any more than day & night are decided by us.
>>     They are built right into the fabric of existence.

>>     Consider this: If we could define right & wrong through consensus,
>>     would this not mean that the Iraq "war" of the last decade or
>>     whatev. was "Right" since the majority of the population believed
>>     it was ?

>>     If reality is Objective, and it is... What people may or may not
>>     believe is irrelevant.
>>     Not believing in gravity does nothing to nullify it's effects on
>>     the non-believer...

>>     Much respect, (not trying to be a prick here)

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