:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Reputation based cur…
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Autor: Kristov Atlas
Data: 2014-08-20 19:43 -000
Para: System undo crew
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Reputation based currency?
Justus nailed it.

On Aug 20, 2014 1:30 PM, "Justus Ranvier" <justusranvier@???> wrote:

> On 08/20/2014 04:08 PM, Nicolás Mendoza wrote:
> > As an experiment, and an art project (like the one linked above), I am
> > myself proposing a simple combination of these ideas and crypto. The
> > currency I propose is called CallMomCoin, and it is mined simply by
> calling
> > mom on the phone (each user mines their coins by calling their specific
> > mom). Calling mom is (i assume) universally acceptable as a good thing
> that
> > we sholud all do more often, so it is a good way to illustrate the
> 'mining
> > by making good' concept. Of course, this is serious in some levels, but
> it
> > does have a sense of humour about itself.
> This is great as a way of perfectly illustrating the Central Planner's
> fallacy.
> Not all mothers deserve to receive more phone calls than they currently
> receives, yet CallMomCoin incentives everyone to do so anyway,
> effectively subsidizing the mothers that do not deserve to receive more
> calls and devaluing the ones that do.
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