:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Bitcoin's political …
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Autor: Troy Benjegerdes
Data: 2014-08-02 15:33 -000
Dla: System undo crew
Temat: Re: [unSYSTEM] Bitcoin's political neutrality is a myth.
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 02:14:03PM -0400, Tim Patrick wrote:
> Can we all just take a moment and be thankful for the fact that Amir is on
> our side, the side of Privacy, anonymity, and helping to keep bitcoin from
> becoming corp/govcoin.

I have two things to say

1) Bitcoin is Libertarian Goldbugcoin. If you view the world as a radical
anarchist gift-economy farmer. the idea that the basis for your electronic
trades has a fixed and never-modifiable money supply passed down from
on-high by Satoshi is, well, playing right into the statist hands.

2) Anonymity is *expensive*, and if you really want it requires good
tradecraft. It will not happen with just some software running on pre-trojaned
hardware designed and produced by a system that depends on continually selling
you the latest new gadget designed to last no longer than 2 years (witness
Amir's new laptop, which will probably have at least three remotely exploitable
holes in binary firmware blobs for various network drivers or even in the
boot firmware)

The political statements I make in my code are that transparency is far more
important (and lower cost) than anonymity, and that sound money must have a
distributed process and mechanism for determining the money supply. The closest
thing I have see so far is Heavycoin where the miners vote on the block reward.

Bitcoin IS CorpGovElite1% coin, and it really bothers me that progressive
radicals all seem to buy all the mythology that goes along with it.

We need other blockchains, and some discussion about the cost of anonymity, and
who's going to pay for it. Anonymity is also playing the games of the elites in
power exactly as they like the game to be played, and the abusive coercive
forces benefit most from untraceable electronic payments.

Yes, transparency is also hard to, because now the people that want to coerce
you have a very easy time finding you. But we have got to take that stand,
just as much, or more so than promoting anonymity for those that fear coercion.

Be bold, speak your mind, publicly and openly, and let's start making public
transactions with alternative blockchains.

Troy Benjegerdes                 'da hozer'                  hozer@???
7 elements      earth::water::air::fire::mind::spirit::soul        grid.coop

      Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel,
         nor try buy a hacker who makes money by the megahash