:: [unSYSTEM] circle and others pushin…
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Autor: Amir Taaki
Fecha: 2014-07-24 10:14 -000
A: Juice Rap News
Cc: unsystem, crw
Temas nuevos: [unSYSTEM] lawsky and the foundation/circle crew
Asunto: [unSYSTEM] circle and others pushing for change to "governance model of bitcoin"?
so let me summarise,

mike hearn is a developer that has been pushing for blacklists,
censorship, supporting regulation .etc he is a crony in the worst way.

peter todd is the developer who has done loads for bitcoin. the anonymity
techniques in dark wallet were invented by him. he works for the people.

mike hearn wants to censor peter todd.


circle is a new company that is always promoted by the foundation and
their crew of people. they always appear at the top of conference lists
for finance .etc


jeremy allaire (circle ceo), makes statements that bitcoin needs to
abandon its libertarian roots. we need to take this plaything away from
the anarchists kind of attitude.


mike hearn is working with circle:


circle is working on tracking and surveillance tech:


they refuse to answer questions (this is one of many, can't find the rest):


mike hearn says the bitcoin dev model needs to change. backing up gavin
(chief scientist of bitcoin foundation who is actually more like a
figurehead to legitimise the foundation)... this is his way of pushing out
elements by formalising the dev process to stop people to participate and
take control.


circle also this month made a similar statement (on coindesk):


note how he says "unwelcoming to new participants" - same words as mike

if you want to dev bitcoin, there's nothing stopping you. go write control
or participate. don't try to assert control.

it's all related, bitcoin foundation being official with their claim to
legimitimacy but no merit to back that up.

btw check this,


and despite all those resources they have done jack shit for bitcoin.

there is some big corruption going on here. foundation people are all
flying all-expense paid fancy trips, paying themselves high salaries
whilst most wallet developers and the opensource projects (which people
use) in this space are without resources. they have contributed nothing to
the community. there's been no proof otherwise besides some minor grants
for ~$10k or so.