:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Coinjoin implementat…
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Autor: Sidney Zhang
Data: 2014-07-18 02:24 -000
Para: System undo crew
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Coinjoin implementation
Also, I just stumbled upon this post by peter todd:



That's awesome. When you have a repository, would you mind sharing it on
the mailing list? I would like to offer to contribute / write clients in
different lanuages

On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Chris Pacia <ctpacia@???> wrote:

> I plan to start work on one soon. Hopefully it will be ready by the later
> part of the year.
> You will need to use Tor for communicating with the server however.
> On Jul 18, 2014 2:51 AM, "Sidney Zhang" <sidazhang89@???> wrote:
>> Hi unsystem crew,
>> This is my first email on this mailing list.
>> I wanted to see if anyone knows of any open, coinjoin APIs to participate
>> in coinjoin programatically. I know blockchain.info operates
>> http://sharedcoin.com/ but I have 2 problems with it:
>> 1. There is no testnet support, so you can't test!
>> 2. It is mostly designed to be used for their wallet. The API itself
>> fairly sparsely documented (https://github.com/blockchain/Sharedcoin)
>> Has anyone had any experience using the sharedcoin API and does anyone
>> know of an alternative host that also supports testnet?
>> --
>> Kind regards,
>> Sidney Zhang
>> Mobile: +1 415 767 8831
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Kind regards,

Sidney Zhang

Mobile: +1 415 767 8831