:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Decentralized Bankin…
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Autor: Sidney Zhang
Fecha: 2014-07-15 19:25 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Decentralized Banking System
Why does Coinbase have such slow external transaction sends? Is this
because of their cold storage ratio?

I find it surprising that sometimes their transaction take one hour to go
from pending to confirmed

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Josh Walker <josh@???> wrote:

> This is, of course, a deliberate design choice by Coinbase and not a
> consequence of any technical limitation in Bitcoin at present. I have
> spoken at length on my feelings about Coinbase balkanizing the space to
> discourage external transactions. (And all their other shenanigans and
> general lack of transparency or consideration for a UX that is good for
> Bitcoin.)
> On Tuesday, July 15, 2014, Thomas Hartman <thomas@???>
> wrote:
>> Can you make it easy to for instance:
>> Pay bitpay merchant from Coinbase account, keeping it off blockchain and
>> instant and cryptographically verifiable that no hanky panky.
>> Federated clearing systems that solve the above type of scenario are
>> going to be first big boost for systems like open transactions ho.
>> This is a real world problem BTW.
>> Sometimes Coinbase to bitpay merchant payment exceeds 15 minute bitpay
>> price window and purchase fails, and then you are in refund/ customer
>> service hell.
>> If 1 mb block limit is not increased which I predict is the case this
>> type of problem will happen with higher and higher frequency.
>> Tldr help bitcoin become a clearing currency and you and ot will have
>> great success.
>> Current demand is probably low because blockchain fees are cheap but the
>> future is in off chain federated transaction processing.
>> Good luck!
>> On Jul 14, 2014 11:26 PM, "Uwe Cerron" <uwecerron@???> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I was wondering what are your opinions on decentralbank.com, i began
>>> building it as a colored coins bitcoin wallet complementary to open
>>> transactions audit servers, by storing bitcoin funds inside the audit
>>> server which act as multisignature wallets among other things, people would
>>> exchange the rights to the bitcoin and skip transaction fees, i thought
>>> this would be very useful for low income countries.
>>> I will be using open transactions technology and will be expanding audit
>>> servers which allow multi signature deposits to support colored coin
>>> definitions as a way to create a decentralized asset definition storage for
>>> colored coins. I was wondering if you guys think there is demand for this
>>> or am i just wasting my efforts?
>>> The repo is open source and located here
>>> https://github.com/DecentralBank
>>> Open transactions audit servers are part of the voting pools scheme for
>>> those of you who don't know here is the link
>>> http://opentransactions.org/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Voting_Pools
>>> Thanks,
>>> Uwe Cerron
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Kind regards,

Sidney Zhang

Mobile: +1 415 767 8831