:: Re: [Bricolabs] Back from Yogyakart…
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Autor: Victoria Sinclair
Dla: Bricolabs
Temat: Re: [Bricolabs] Back from Yogyakarta. Preparing the First World Summit on Critical Making
Hi bricos! This is wonderful news. I was going to be in indonesia next
year so it seems perfect timing to pop by for a reunion and some crucial
knowledge sharing! Good luck with the organisation! Vx

El lunes, 30 de junio de 2014, natacha <natacha@???>
> hey super to see this taking form of a project, would be happy to work on

> n.
> On 06/30/2014 10:32 AM, Jean-Noël Montagné wrote:
>> Hi Bricos :-)
>> Very important news for all Bricos: we have the opportunity to gather

ourselves in Indonesia in autumn 2015, and to participate to a major event
in history.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Back from Yogyakarta, Indonesia.......
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Few hours ago, I was sitting here in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in HONF

headquarters, with Venzha from Bricolabs and founder of HONF, with Irene,
artistic director and co-founder of Honf, and Tommy Suryo, director of Honf
Fablab http://www.honfablab.org/ . I was there for the Proto[Type] 2014
meeting in Yogyakarta, organised by 3 NGO: HONF Foundation, Catec
(represented by Ilham Habibie) and rOg (represented by Stephen Kovats,
chairing the meeting).
>> Meeting on Open Culture and Critical Making:

>> After three days of brainstorming with international and Indonesian

partners, we have found that there is an opportunity to launch here in
Indonesia, the First World Summit of Critical Making in autumn 2015.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Critical Making ?
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The original concept of Critical Making has been first set up by Matt

Ratto, one of the first co-founders of Bricolabs list, few years ago, then
started to be a subject of research & learning in some universities.
>> Critical Making is basically what we do and share in Bricolabs: creating

and building art, knowledge, goods, services and structures in
citizen-based approach and not in a capitalist-based approach. We develop a
critical reflection on the relations between technology and society. We
like to share our knowledge, we like to control the technologies and not be
controlled by them, we like to hack, to build, to learn and to teach. We
like the world, we like the planet. We like freedom and poetry.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Why a world summit of Critical Making ?
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Critical Making is one pacific approach to the necessary changes we have

to do as soon as possible, regarding the conjunction of two main crisis in
the very next years:
>> -energy crisis: we are at the end of the "sinusoidal plateau phase" of

the peak oil. Very next years (around 2017, + or - 2 years, according to
many indicators and researches) will see the price of petrol climbing
regularly and strongly with a global impact on all production of goods and
services, all over the world, with all the bad consequences we can imagine
on society.
>> -climate crisis: this year, as last year, was the world record of

sending CO2 and greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The climat is more and
more chaotic and violent. The climate crisis affects health, water
resources, agriculture and food production, transports and lodging of
billion people. Floods, tempests and dryness will create hundred million
refugees. Nobody has succeded yet to stop this self-destruction.
>> I don't forget also the metal ressources crisis, coming during the 20

next years with huge impact on industry and society, the fragility of
financial system, the political crisis and many other sectors of society in
deep distress.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Infinite growth
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Please don't consider these facts as conspiracy theories coming from

paranoïac attitude. It is just analysis of the curves of the production
and consumption of our resources. All these numbers come from official &
industrial agencies, and are really easy to verify. Even if the predictions
are wrong within a few years, it's a matter of time: this planet is small
and has limits. Infinite growth is impossible. In just two centuries we
have consumed most of the fossil resources, and our children will have to
live in a completely different world.
>> Despite this negative observations, mostly ignored by the medias, who

want to profit from ads for cars and useless electronics as long as
possible, we still have the power to make another world possible, other
worlds possible, and using our schemes to start a viral transformation of
the society, starting from our neighborhood, from our house, now. In most
of the countries, leaded by industrial and financial power, this
transformation will have to come from the citizens, at citizen-scale.
Cooperation, Do-It-Yourself ( DIY), Do-It-With-Others (DIWO), share,
openess, open-source, autonomy are the keywords. Realistic keywords.
Mankind keywords.
>> We have almost ten years to build " global and local development of

generic infrastructures incrementally developed by communities ", and we
have to spread it before, or during, an eventual chaos. The easiest years
to do it are now, just now, because energy has still a low cost, and
everything is still possible.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The World Summit of Critical Making, autumn 2015.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The World Summit of Critical Making hope to show & spread a lot of new

practices, directly usable by the people. The World Summit of Critical
Making itself has to be a critical making process. This summit will produce
words for the documentation of many critical making processes , but will
aslo show facts, tools, objects, networks, practices, ways of learning,
ways of spreading the knowledge. The main focus is to show how to start the
transformations now.
>> We are all transformakers !
>> If scientific words are produced, and such words will be produced, it

will not be only for storing heavy PHD thesis on shelves of universities,
but for sharing methods, manuals, translations, encyclopedias, hope, art.
If words are produced, it will be words of love and knowledge. For viral
immediate use.
>> A very important part of the summit will be the "Demo Faire", the

"Tangible Zone", the "Workshop Place", the "Hack Area", the "World Tool
Sheds" where the invitees and Indonesian citizen will see, test, hack,
touch, learn, dismantle & build the concepts, the materials, the objects,
the machines, the systems.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> A big event for Indonesia and South East Asia
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southeast_Asia
>> Our first contacts in Indonesia and worldwide are ready to support a big

international event in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in autumn 2015, with hundreds
>> Indonesia is centered on equator. Indonesia is full of diversity in all

sectors of the society, and knows how to manage it.
http://tinyurl.com/indonesian-diversity Indonesia is a little planet
itself. More than 700 living languages are spoken in Indonesia. Influences
of Indian, Japanese, Australian, Chinese, Australian, European cultures
associated with traditional islands cultures.
>> Indonesia has a lot of natural ressources, with the world's second

highest level of biodiversity after Brazil. Indonesia has a lot of makers.
The indonesian Fablab, DIY, and DIWO scene is growing quickly, and we have
a lot to learn from them. And the people are very nice and peaceful.
>> As hosts and main organisers with our help, Indonesian and South-East

Asia transformakers will have an important place in the summit, and you
will see that this is a real chance for us to discover people coming from a
territory half as big as Europe and inhabited by as many citizens as Europe
or North America.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Contents of the First World Summit of Critical Making 2015.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> We would like that the autumn 2015 summit will be composed by 50% of

words and 50% of practice. But we would like that the practices show over
70% of real level of utility, and less than 30% experiment. And we would
like that the words produced for the summit represents over 70% of direct
spread of the knowledge to the people, by all channels possible, and less
than 30% for academic research.
>> During the next weeks, we want your comments, questions and inputs on

the project. Post on this list. We want that you take a breath, unplug the
stressfull electonic devices around you, and take some time to think about
such a summit. About the next years of our children.
>> We need your creativity, your work and your help to make it a major

world event in 2015.
>> Welcome, transformakers. Tell us if you are into the project.
>> JN, with the help and great inspiration of Venzha, Irene, Tommy and all

HONF partners in Indonesia
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Victoria Sinclair
Project Manager Generate Project and founder ArcSpace Manchester
Co-ordinator Hackademia festival www.hackademia.org.uk
Alumni Asian-Europe Foundation 360degrees