:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Peter Thiel
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Skribent: Marvin Fernandes
Dato: 2014-06-03 17:57 -000
Til: System undo crew
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] Peter Thiel
Wow Thomas
Great words
May i quote That?

Middelerwijl een schoon wees
Marvin Fernandes

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Sinclair Spectrum

> Op 31 mei 2014 om 18:58 heeft Thomas Hartman <thomas@???> het volgende geschreven:
> I guess there is planet silicon valley, where things like the
> singularity and digital immortality rule the memescape, and everyone
> has a few billion dollars to throw at their favorite transhumanist
> project and the time to burn on soirres and canapes and burning man.
> Then there is the rest of the world, where gas at the pump costs
> money, fresh food takes time to prepare right, and we are all going to
> die someday.
> Planet Silicon Valley is a court society, with all the benefits and
> costs that implies.
> Most users of bitcoin can safely ignore it. The real world, far from
> the court, is going to dominate how it gest used.
>> On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 7:34 AM, Tim Patrick <judoman589@???> wrote:
>> While it may be a stain on Peter Thiels life that he has helped out the CIA
>> and such, we must look at more than that. Thiel has done far more good than
>> bad. Also, I think he will see the great opportunity in bitcoin and will
>> probably invest quite a bit in it.
>>> On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Tim Patrick <judoman589@???> wrote:
>>> Oh my god! I freaking love Peter Thiel! just saying...
>>>> On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 5:02 AM, Josh Walker <josh@???> wrote:
>>>> It's gonna take me a bit to really go thru your two emails, so I just
>>>> wanted to express my appreciation for the sheer amount of effort and thought
>>>> evident in the amount of linking and resources. Thank you.
>>>> And regardless of where we find ourselves, I will always agree with this:
>>>>> be welcome, also to dissent. I think this place is somewhat a campfire
>>>>> and as long noone gets stubborn on prejudices - as long as noone gets
>>>>> too judicial and we try to stick to facts - it can be a very important
>>>>> place to keep in touch and value diversity of views and sources.
>>>> ―J
>>>>>> On May 31, 2014, at 3:55, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, 31 May 2014, Josh Walker wrote:
>>>>>> I'm forming somewhat of an idea of the landscape of this place, but
>>>>>> I'm having trouble reconciling the two.
>>>>> be welcome, also to dissent. I think this place is somewhat a campfire
>>>>> and as long noone gets stubborn on prejudices - as long as noone gets
>>>>> too judicial and we try to stick to facts - it can be a very important
>>>>> place to keep in touch and value diversity of views and sources.
>>>>>> Kind fellow denizens of this unSystem mailing list: What is the
>>>>>> general feeling in here about The Counterforce?
>>>>> FWIW and if you have time and interest to read, I recommend the good
>>>>> prose of this thread
>>>>> http://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1405/threads.html#00018
>>>>> in particular Cramer's post
>>>>> http://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1405/msg00032.html
>>>>> Bard's insightful account
>>>>> http://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1405/msg00024.html
>>>>> John Young's caustic poetical tones
>>>>> http://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1405/msg00079.html
>>>>> Allan Siegel attempt to a "leftist analysis"
>>>>> http://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1405/msg00086.html
>>>>> (somewhat very much European in its concerns)
>>>>> And my fav, Morlock Elloi's reply to Allan. I love his cynicism
>>>>> http://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1405/msg00089.html and he
>>>>> gets the point, but again this is more about the dismanteling of
>>>>> European cultural funding and subsequent re-organization of cognitive
>>>>> labour we are going through.
>>>>> ciao
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