:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Former Skype COO- I …
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Lähettäjä: Josh Walker
Päiväys: 2014-05-27 15:19 -000
Vastaanottaja: System undo crew
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] Former Skype COO- I love this guy
​​Well, at least Kristov resisted the fallacy. Since it's not your claim
(that Jackson's opinions are irrelevant due to association with Skype),
I'll forgive you for not going further. I, however, fueled by my morning
amphetamines, because I am already curious about the same thing -- there *are
*questions I have, regarding such unSystem-like opinions coming from an
ex-Skype guy. I, however, theorize that his time with Skype may have jaded
him, and am curious when he left Skype and why.

So let's break off here, and I'm going to answer my own questions while
also making a point.

Adam: I certainly hope you *are* in the minority here, because I hold Amir
and Cody in fairly high regard, and I generally unSystem is comprised
mostly of similar mindset. Which is to say, logical and dispassionate. But,
I realize this is just a mailing-list.

Let's forget what he said in that article--which was quite lovely; I'd be
impressed if he were faking such unique (among his peers) sentiment--and
just look at his history. I'd expect his LinkedIn might shed light. And it
does! It's full of all sorts of things. It's okay, I've got this. I'll
paste it below, and even highlight some stuff, which -- to me, at least --
solidifies my comprehension of his worldview. But *if you did nothing else* you
should have checked to see when he became the *former* COO of Skype, since
that seems *absolutely critical* to your assertion that we should be
cautious in listening to him. Without any evidence that he was a part of
creating a surveillance-friendly Skype either actively or by conscious
negligence, that is textbook association fallacy, which is the most basic
of logical fallacies. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_fallacy>

Turns out *he left Skype in 2007.* Skype wasn't even sold to Microsoft
until 2011. Back then, Skype completely peer-to-peer. In fact, the
etymology of the name Skype came from Sky
All that, from just seconds on google and a couple clicks. And all this is
without even mentioning something else obvious: While I've never been
particularly "statist", my current self would have a few things to discuss
with my several-years-ago self, to bring me up to speed with things. My
2007 self was a teen -- 7 years is a while -- and though I didn't always
agree or follow laws, I pretty much still had the mindset that if you don't
like jail, don't break laws; and if you don't like the laws, change them.
Democracy! I like to think in 7 more years I'll be even more enlightened.

So, *given* that you have some form of internet access to have read
Coindesk and sent email; and *given* that despite this you have committed
the must simple and egregious of logical fallacies: I cannot and would not
tell you that you must take advice from Jackson. (Do you disagree with
anything he said? Or was your plan to disregard the advice, be it good or
bad, purely based on the individual speaking? Do you begin to understand
why that is unwise, and highly illogical?) But I can say that given what
I've seen from *you*, I have evidence that you do not process information
logically, and I've seen that you will pass along meritless drivel
amounting to your belief that his opinion is suspect without any supporting
evidence. So I *can say*, logically, that *your *opinions ought to be
suspect until such time as you can satisfy me otherwise, and I recommend
others exercise the same caution, based on all of the above.



Capital Partners<https://www.linkedin.com/company/104962?trk=prof-exp-company-name>October
2007 – Present (6 years 8 months)Luxembourg

I met the Mangrove team during my days as Chief Operating Officer of Skype
and joined the firm as a Partner in 2007, after a 25 years career in the
Telecom industry. During those years, I had the opportunity to work for,
grow and start myself a dozen different businesses.

At Mangrove, my first role is to lead our effort in the Mobile space, an
exciting market being created right in front of our eyes. Of course, I look
for big ideas. But above this, I look for the passion, drive and ambition
in a founding team, and a genuine reason why they believe they can dominate
their sector. I like to work closely with unusual entrepreneurs and need to
feel some connection to them. Then, I also use my previous experience in
fast-growing environments to help our companies scale and develop their
revenue-generating activities. I currently serve on the boards of CiteeCar
Evertale, Jolicloud, Pops, SohoOS and Waratek.
My Passion !<https://www.linkedin.com/search?search=&title=My+Passion+%21&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true&currentTitle=CP&trk=prof-exp-title>This
and that<https://www.linkedin.com/search?search=&company=This+and+that&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true&trk=prof-exp-company-name>2000

2010 (10 years)

Aside from my direct activities, I enjoy working with like minded
entrepreneurs and business people across all fields. From Induction
moulding companies through to car manufacturing. Yet, always taking
advantage of my operational experience - especially in high growth

I have been fortunate enough to be directly involved, and in many cases
responsible for creating and scaling multiple 100 million euro operations.
This is a detailed task, with many pitfalls.

I have entered contracts for 60 million euros, that went bad the day after
- and been at the receiving end of the largest Fraud attempt ever seen by
VISA. Yes, mistakes - but we learn from them. More importantly, I gain
confidence, knowing that we can still push ahead. Probably a rare attitude
from a COO

I have changed European law through a process of lobbying from the
beginning. Now, anyone in Europe can apply to a mobile operator for
MVNO. *[Cricket,
Virgin Mobile, etc. Carriers who sublet and don't own the backbone.
-Josh]* Many
businesses have been created using this model, but in 1997 things were
different. Without the changes going through the political system, these
would not exist now. I did not spend money, but I did spend time and effort
for some years, banging against a wall.
[image: ZYB]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/86973?trk=prof-exp-company-name>Advisor
to Board<https://www.linkedin.com/search?search=&title=Advisor+to+Board&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true&currentTitle=CP&trk=prof-exp-title>
ZYB <https://www.linkedin.com/company/86973?trk=prof-exp-company-name>July
2007 – July 2008 (1 year 1 month)

Advising board, and CEO on Product and Scaling . Both technology and
[image: FON]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/16828?trk=prof-exp-company-name>Board
FON <https://www.linkedin.com/company/16828?trk=prof-exp-company-name>January
2006 – December 2007 (2 years)

FON, the largest wifi network in the World provides massive insight into
viral consumer behavious, the growth of the self provision movement - and
how wifi is growing throughout the worls.
[image: skype]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/7299?trk=prof-exp-company-name>VP
& Director of Paid
skype <https://www.linkedin.com/company/7299?trk=prof-exp-company-name>August
2004 – December 2007 (3 years 5 months)

VP Operations / COO / all sorts of versions of this disguise the fact that
Michael's running the revenue generating activities of Skype - working with
his colleagues, and long term friends.
[image: eBay]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/1482?trk=prof-exp-company-name>Management
eBay <https://www.linkedin.com/company/1482?trk=prof-exp-company-name>October
2005 – October 2007 (2 years 1 month)London/Luxembourg

eBay 'Power of Three' group led by CEO Meg Whitman, *[CEO of
Hewlett-Packard, now... -J]* and the entire leadership team ensured that
the 3 business units worked together to create great product, synergy and
[image: Tele2 Europe
Europe S.A.<https://www.linkedin.com/company/2831?trk=prof-exp-company-name>2001

2003 (2 years)

After creating the MVNO business model, I went on to lead the group
responsible for rolling out MVNO across Europe. We achieved 9 countries,
after lobbying, commercial negotiations and extensive marketing innovation.
Reported to group CEO
[image: tele2]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/2831?trk=prof-exp-company-name>Inventor
of MVNO<https://www.linkedin.com/search?search=&title=Inventor+of+MVNO&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true&currentTitle=CP&trk=prof-exp-title>
tele2 <https://www.linkedin.com/company/2831?trk=prof-exp-company-name>1996 –
2003 (7 years)

The first MVNO came from a realisation that the CLEC model for landline
telcos could be forced upon mobile operators. The technical solution was
comparable, and the position my company had was perfect to add mobile
services onto a fixed line product. The next step was changing the law, and
then getting the agreement.
[image: Interxion]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/10804?trk=prof-exp-company-name>Nothing
to with<https://www.linkedin.com/search?search=&title=Nothing+to+with&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true&currentTitle=CP&trk=prof-exp-title>
Interxion <https://www.linkedin.com/company/10804?trk=prof-exp-company-name>1997

1998 (1 year)

This is not correct. But LinkedIn won't let me delete it. I never worked at

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Kristov Atlas <
author@???> wrote:

> This was my first thought as well, Adam. Doesn't negate anything the guy
> says, Skype is not exactly a shining beacon of bucking the State.
> -Kristov
> On 05/27/2014 01:06 PM, Adam Gibson wrote:
>> But the founders of Skype sold out (and the very fact that they
>> *could* sell out just proves it is not a decentralised system like
>> Bitcoin). I'm not sure I want to take advice on how to deal with the
>> regulation monster from people who took the money and ran, allowing
>> their creation to become an NSA surveillance tool.
>> I seem to be in a minority of one here. Feel free to correct me :)
>> On 05/27/2014 01:46 PM, Amir Taaki wrote:
>>> http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-regulation-lessons-early-days-skype/
>>> finally someone speaks sense.
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