Autor: Joerg Platzer Data: 2014-05-26 20:48 -000 Para: System undo crew Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the UK european elections (were
indarkwallet promo video)
Takin part in the legitimation ritual of the establishmen is anti establishment?
Von: unSYSTEM [unsystem-bounces@???]" im Auftrag von "Jonathan James Harrison [jonathanjamesharrison@???]
Gesendet: Montag, 26. Mai 2014 04:28
An: System undo crew
Betreff: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the UK european elections (were in darkwallet promo video)
UKIP gets the more votes than any other party (UK) for the european elections.
It's the most anti establishment libertarian vote out there.