:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the U…
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Autor: Robert Williamson
Fecha: 2014-05-26 10:32 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the UK european elections (were in darkwallet promo video)
It's certainly strange to see them win, /r/ukpolitics has been in meltdown
the past few weeks over this, as they see them as being evil people with a
pseudo libertarian front and that all of the pro-Farage postings there have
been solely due to a 4chan invasion.

What this really shows is that politics in the UK has changed, parties are
going to have to start offering the public a better service for a lower
cost, all the lib dem/labour/conservatives have been saying for the past
few months is don't vote Ukip because they are "racist", they want to make
public sector cuts, they're "homophobic", they want to legalise drugs, they
"help" terrorists because they are against surveillance.

This is just the biggest increase in competition in the UK political space
for nearly 100 years and will force the other parties to start being more
legitimate and offer up sensible alternatives to them.

Perhaps bigger news in this EU election isn't Ukip, but rather the 25% FN
in France and other places across the EU. People have started to see that
the EU is a net waste in terms of value for money and that being forced to
receive bailouts against the will of the public is bad for them

I think people are starting to see that there's a bigger political fight
going on, rather than just left/right liberal/conservative, we're in a
period of major authoritarianism from the worlds governments and Ukip seem
to many people to be a step away from that.


On 26 May 2014 11:41, Drak <drak@???> wrote:

> It is irony. UKIP are against the EU... Maybe the government will take the
> hint now about British sentiment towards the EU...
> On 26 May 2014 08:29, "jamileh s.t." <xiaziyna@???> wrote:
>> is that sarcasm?
>> On 26 May 2014 03:28, Jonathan James Harrison <
>> jonathanjamesharrison@???> wrote:
>>> UKIP gets the more votes than any other party (UK) for the european
>>> elections.
>>> It's the most anti establishment libertarian vote out there.
>>> Yay!
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