:: Re: [Bricolabs] bitcoins video - 20…
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Auteur: Jaromil
Datum: 2014-05-26 05:32 -000
Aan: Bricolabs
Onderwerp: Re: [Bricolabs] bitcoins video - 2011?
On Sun, 25 May 2014, fabi borges wrote:

>    maybe jaromil knows.... I asked him... I am a bit anxious to see it
>    again!!

its only in your memory now. asked Amir and: "it's gone from vimeo it
seems. man that was years ago, i don't have it."

social networks won't function well as memory. save early, save often.

pity its lost, i'm happy to have written down the experience. I remember
Amir was exhausted sleeping on the couch while I was doing so. in these
years he has been loosing so much materials around, just like a proper
nomad, even bitcoins, ppl think he is a millionaire, but in fact he
doesn't owns even one right now.

long live la boheme digitale
