:: Re: [unSYSTEM] the gw of darkwallet…
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Lähettäjä: Thomas Hartman
Päiväys: 2014-05-25 16:31 -000
Vastaanottaja: System undo crew
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] the gw of darkwallet can cost 4.2M USD.
What does GW stand for?

I don't find chains.com api model unreasonable at all. This blockchain
infrastructure is definitely a weak spot. Blockchain.info does a lot,
but it doesn't do it all, and it's not open source. Obelisk does
more, but is unreliable and requires expensive hardware.

I am focusing my efforts around bitcore insight currently.

Equally important than building these tools, I hope there is an effort
to raise the semantic bar around all of them.

Electrum wallets should be compatible with multibit, should be
compatible with satoshi.

Components for all these wallets that talk to the blockchain should be
easily switchable between obelisk, insight, bitcoind, where the
relevant index/db are shared.

There is a lot of duplication of effort currently. I see this when I
look at te foundation bitcoind satoshi issues on github, and compare
it with the sx stuff I have been working on.

Same goes for the blockchain back ends.

Yes, it is hard to build bitcoin apps currently, and ad hoc queries to
the blockchain are the bottleneck.

Don't make fun of chains.com IPO. They're not dummies.

Recognize that they are going for the jugular, and that keeping things
open is not going to happen without effort and working smart.
Otherwise proprietary will take the cream, and everything else is half

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 3:16 AM, Amir Taaki <genjix@???> wrote:
> hahahahahaha zodman oh wow
> don't know whether to laugh or cry, what a crazy world
> On 05/25/2014 06:36 AM, Andres Vargas - zodman wrote:
>> http://www.coindesk.com/chains-api-takes-hard-work-bitcoin-app-development/
>> I this article explains chain.com <http://chain.com> company implement
>> a bitcoin api rest and some venture capital invested on theirs $4.2M USD
>> Wait a moment we had all of that on the GW.
>> --
>> Andres Vargas
>> www.zodman.com.mx <http://www.zodman.com.mx>
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