:: Re: [Libbitcoin] Single repo for al…
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Skribent: Amir Taaki
Dato: 2014-05-25 07:55 -000
Til: libbitcoin
Emne: Re: [Libbitcoin] Single repo for all?
yes, ok I feel Eric.

there could also be a "meta-libbitcoin" repo with just everything as
submodules: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules

The reason I want a separate blockchain is to modularise the code with
its own testing / benchmarking tools, it's something I want to devote
time to over long term.

On 05/25/2014 10:24 AM, Eric Voskuil wrote:
> It's not difficult from my point of view, in maintaining the Windows
> builds, but there are certainly drawbacks as well as advantages.
> Given the path that we've laid out, it's not just a question of merging
> libwallet into libbitcoin. This is the current plan:
> libbitcoin (utils)
> libbitcoin_node (full node)
> libbitcoin_server (full node with ZMQ API)
> libbitcoin_client (client to ZMQ API)
> libbitcoin_wallet (offline key management)
> Amir has also expressed a desire to factor out libbitcoin_blockchain
> from libbitcoin_node and has started that work. I've never been
> convinced that it is better to maintain this as an independent repo,
> since the blockchain functionality is necessary to the node and AFICT is
> not useful independent of a node. I could see merging this with
> libbitcoin_node.
> When it comes down to it a repo is a completely arbitrary boundary. What
> matters to the organization above is that the 5 libraries above can be
> deployed independently. Considering interlib dependencies there are five
> deployment scenarios:
> libbitcoin
> libbictoin_client->libbitcoin
> libbictoin_wallet->libbitcoin
> libbitcoin_node->libbitcoin
> libbitcoin_server->libbitcoin_node->libbitcoin
> This factoring is designed in part to isolate dependencies so that they
> don't get unnecessarily dragged into deployments. This is really the big
> issue. My main concern would be that without strong isolation we will
> have to be very watchful for dependency creep, even between the
> libbitcoin libs themselves.
> Another benefit to the library/repo alignment we have planned is that it
> makes the toolkit very approachable to the newcommer. When one looks at
> bitcoin (core) there is one repo, it looks like a monolith (and it is).
> Even so new work has recently been taken on outside of that repo
> (secp256k1). Imagine trying to do that within the bitcoin repo, and
> imagine forking bitcoin to work with secp256k1.
> The path we are on presently was Amir's suggestion modeled on boost's
> organization. Each library exists in its own repo with its own master
> header, tests, examples, docs and make files. Similarly, defines are
> prefixed with the repo/lib name in order to prevent conflicts in use of
> the headers.
> This issue that William and I were discussing was the need for
> independent defines:
>>> There is a reason for the export macros to be uniquely-named per
>>> project. Each project needs to define a symbol to differentiate
>>> between dll export and static. Each dependent project needs to
>>> define a symbol to differentiate between dll import and static. So
>>> there are three contexts since import and export static are the
>>> same. If two projects utilize the same symbols for declaring exports
>>> it becomes hard for dependent projects to treat them independently.
>>> While it may be common for a project to link all dependent projects
>>> in the same manner it's certainly not a requirement and therefore
>>> would be bad practice to couple these symbols across projects.
>> Ah, that makes perfect sense. Since these are, in fact, separate
>> libraries, using the same symbol across library boundaries could lead
>> to problems if the libraries are compiled with different flags. The
>> only way to make the defines match the compilation mode on a
>> project-by-project basis is to use a separate define per project.
>> Under that constraint, I suppose "BCW" really is the shortest
>> reasonable abbreviation of "libbitcoin-wallet".
>> Either that, or we unite the different projects...
> Merging the repos wouldn't really change this situation. If we
> consequently merged the defines we would then lose the ability to treat
> the libraries independently. This is actually an example of the subtle
> entanglements that we would have to be very watchful for.
> Storing the source in the same repo but keeping it seperated as
> independent libraries will likely make it harder to maintain this
> independence over time. The main benefit of consolidation is that we can
> share build, versioning, and repo sync. This will come at the cost of a
> higher level of conditionality in build and versioning, more complex
> merges, and loss of per lib github permissions and issues.
> I think it's a very good question to consider, but my inclination is not
> to take on the disruption unless there is a compelling reason, and IMO
> the drawbacks are at least as strong or stronger than the potential
> benefits.
> e
> On 05/24/2014 06:18 PM, Amir Taaki wrote:
>>> Either that, or we unite the different projects in a single source
>>> repo with a single build system, and just have separate --enable-foo
>>> options to turn each individual library on and off. In Visual Studio
>>> land, that would be done as a single solution file with a project file
>>> per lib. A single "make" invocation would produce
>>> libbitcoin.{so,a,pc}, libbitcoin-wallet.{so,a,pc},
>>> libbitcoin-server.{so,a,pc}, and so forth.
>>> Actually, this would be kinda nice. It's already hard enough to keep
>>> the various repos in sync, and we haven't even divided them down the
>>> granularity we are hoping for.
>>> -William
>> William does have a point.
>> * Simpler setup for users.
>> * (for now) a single package to distribute in Linux repos.
>> * Easier to track updates.
>> * Share same define and compile symbols easily.
>> * Ability to provide a single unified <bitcoin.hpp>
>> It could be possible with proper organisation to use a single repo and
>> keep everything properly split and modularised.
>> We also reduce the overhead for developers and users alike.
>> Eric what do you reckon if we merge libwallet back into libbitcoin?
>> We can also use conditional compilation (through macros like NO_WALLET or
>> NO_BLOCKCHAIN) to prevent including certain headers, which could be
>> enabled by certain ./configure switches (--no-wallet or --no-blockchain).
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