:: Re: [Libbitcoin] Coding style - lib…
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Skribent: Amir Taaki
Dato: 2014-05-23 06:08 -000
Til: Eric Voskuil
CC: libbitcoin
Emne: Re: [Libbitcoin] Coding style - libbitcoin-*
You've got it right, using the master headers in external projects is an
artifact of the refactoring and in a little laziness.

And yep we can do the libbitcoin::wallet .etc but defining bc = libbitcoin
in each master header like wallet.hpp, otherwise I think we should move to
just bc::wallet, bc::blockchain .etc

> Hi William,
> Regarding header locations, I like your proposed approach as we move to
> refactor and rename the libs, especially since the lib naming convention
> is
> boost-based.
> FWIW I don't consider the use of the master header a chage in direction.
> The
> projects have for some time defined a master header for use by dependant
> projects. This is good practive as it prevents unnecesary churn in
> dependant
> projects and makes the library easier to work with. Of course the master
> header should not be used within the project that exports it. However our
> own dependent projects have not been making use of the master headers of
> their dependencies (e.g. libwallet->libbitcoin). I think this happened in
> libwallet inadvertently as the code was factored out of libbitcoin. So my
> changes have been to just make proper use of our master headers.
> There is a reason for the export macros to be uniquely-named per project.
> Each project needs to define a symbol to differentiate between dll export
> and static. Each dependent project needs to define a symbol to
> differentiate
> between dll import and static. So there are three contexts since import
> and
> export static are the same. If two projects utilize the same symbols for
> declaring exports it becomes hard for dependent projects to treat them
> independently. While it may be common for a project to link all dependent
> projects in the same manner it's certainly not a requirement and therefore
> would be bad practive to couple these symbols across projects.
> e
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Libbitcoin [mailto:libbitcoin-bounces@lists.dyne.org] On Behalf Of
> Amir Taaki
> Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 1:30 AM
> To: libbitcoin@???
> Subject: Re: [Libbitcoin] Coding style - libbitcoin-*
> agree agree agree
> only thing is maybe we should have bc::wallet bc::client
> On 16/05/14 00:47, William Swanson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> When we were in Toronto, we talked about renaming all our libraries to
>> use the libbitcoin-* scheme, like libbitcoin-wallet,
>> libbitcoin-client, etc.. Well, I have started working on a
>> libbitcoin-client library, and have run into a few questions.
>> First, where should the headers go? Right now, we have
>> /usr/include/bitcoin/*, /usr/include/wallet/*, etc., but this doesn't
>> seem right for the new system. Eric has been moving things towards a
>> single master header per library, so it's somewhat redundant having
>> the library name in the path as well. Perhaps the layout should go
>> like this:
>> /usr/include/bitcoin/client.hpp (master library include)
>> /usr/include/bitcoin/wallet.hpp (master library include)
>> /usr/include/bitcoin/client/*.hpp (internal headers)
>> /usr/include/bitcoin/wallet/*.hpp (internal headers)
>> The second question is, what should we do with the namespaces? Right
>> now, we have libbitcoin::, bc:: (which maps to libbitcoin::),
>> libwallet::, and so forth. Maybe we should do what boost does, and
>> have bitcoin::wallet, bitcoin::client, and such for the various child
>> libraries? Otherwise, we could do the stl thing and just put them all
>> in one big namespace.
>> Finally, what should we do with the dllexport macros? They aren't
>> contained in any namespace, and yet we want them to stay short. Right
>> now we have BC_API, BCW_API, and so forth, one for each library. Would
>> it make sense to have a single BC_API macro, defined in a central
>> place, that we use for all libs? Or is the one-macro-per-library thing
>> accomplishing something I am not aware of?
>> Thanks.
>> -William
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