:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Foundation funding f…
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Autor: Jaromil
Data: 2014-05-22 04:43 -000
Para: System undo crew
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Foundation funding for Dark Wallet (Was: Don't mix because of taint + comments ...)

dear Joerg,

On Thu, 22 May 2014, Joerg Platzer wrote:

>    The reason, why I am still a member is because I see a clear
>    struggle going on inside foundation between the 'let's get some
>    regulation in here'-idiots on one hand and people with exactly the
>    same spirit which is expressed by most folks on this list here and
>    which I share on the other side.

this is a very good, useful and much needed attitute. outposts must be
kept, not abandoned out of frustration. abandoning is weak and benefits
noone. We need you there. IMHO.

>    What if a group of dark-wallet / dark-market enthusiasts (of which
>    I am one) forms a group inside the foundation and demands funding
>    for precisely these projects without compromising on any of the
>    functionality? This might get more support than you believe.

I think this is a good idea, but it depends on how much people here have
to do something like that, considering we are talking about a foundation
of white collars with very few developers on one side and of a group
here of visionary developers, the difference is not only ideological but
based on the nature of labour offered by its members.

Said that, I hope people here finds the time. Myself nosing around the
Italian affiliated foundation, I'm not sure that is opened to any
entrance - just look at the bitcointalk italian forum section: self
appointed hostfat moderator and foundation president has complete
hegemony on it, I'm also not aware of a board nor of a formal entity
opens to any membership.

>    And, while we're at it: why not be real about it and actually
>    UNlicensing the code of dark wallet, which as far as know, is
>    actually still under some statist-license, actually relying on the
>    armed power of the government to enforce it?

Sorry to comment on all points with an opinion, don't take me as a d1ck
plz, but I think this is a bad idea. I recommend you see the use of
licensing as it is as tactical: sure it is not ideal, but we don't leave
in an ideal world and protection in enemy territory must be effective
against enemy tactics.

One could argue that darkwallet cannot be used in any case against its
principles, but I'm not sure about that.
