:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Uber threatening cus…
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Autor: Jonathan Vaage
Data: 2014-05-19 22:36 -000
Para: System undo crew
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Uber threatening cushty taxi drivers monopoly while they cry "who will protect the passengers!"
Perhaps drivers may be more willing to accept the risk of a sting if they
had the opportunity to purchase a form of insurance policy that covered a
portion of the fines / penalties in the potentially rare case of a bust.
Proof-of-burn pseudonyms, customer ratings, or a web-of-trust could reduce
the risk of fraud and potentially the premiums for policy holders.

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Mats-Erik Pistol <meapistol@???>wrote:

> For me it looks like an uber-like app but without a central company would
> be an instant hit.
> Payment of the rides in cash to avoid payment tracing. A reputation system
> or web of trust to more or less whitelist customers to make sting
> operations expensive as mentioned by Ranvier.
> One could also envision transports being arranged this way.
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Justus Ranvier <justusranvier@???>wrote:
>> On 05/08/2014 06:38 PM, Kristov Atlas wrote:
>> > We can make this system shutdown-proof by blockchaining it, but of
>> > course criminals can still attack people in meatspace. Similar challenge
>> > with LocalBitcoins/Soft ATM approach for exchanging crypto-currencies
>> > for cash. :-(
>> >
>> > Any ideas on how to deal with this weakness?
>> They can't outlaw people who own cars from giving rides to other people,
>> they can just outlaw (regulate) the act of doing it for payment.
>> First thing to do is make it difficult for an uninvolved third party to
>> prove the any payment has occurred. That's fairly easy to do with you're
>> talking about decentralized digital currencies.
>> The second thing to do reduce the risk of a sting operation. This is
>> basically the same problem that prostitutes run into and one of the ways
>> that industry solves it is by rating customers.
>> Driver who are willing to take on the risk of an unrated customer would
>> charge more and drivers who don't want the risk would charge less.
>> Perhaps some kind of web-of-trust could be used here, and actually such
>> a system would have many applications in the informal economy generally.
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> --
> mvh,
> Mats-Erik
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