:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Rethinking cryptocur…
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Autor: Anthony D'Onofrio
Fecha: 2014-05-13 21:27 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Rethinking cryptocurrency as accountable distributed decisionmaking
>I can't think of anyway this can be done without all security being
compromised by trust in the bank as a third party though.

POS(point of sale) cash back, just like when you use a debit card at the
grocery store and you can get $20-40 cash back, give the purchaser an
option of getting fiat for bitcoin. Most of the time people only need small
(sub $200) amounts of cash, so for exchange to fiat this handles most
real-world cases that aren't speculative.

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Domatron Graves <overspraye@???>wrote:

> I feel like the exchanges are and have always been the weekest link in the
> bitcoin ecosystem. Does anyone know of anyone developing ideas for a
> decentralized exchange system. Perhaps someway of automating deposits to
> bank accounts. Maybe some kind of front end client that can integrate with
> a banking website. I can't think of anyway this can be done without all
> security being compromised by trust in the bank as a third party though.
> On Sunday, May 11, 2014, Justus Ranvier <justusranvier@???> wrote:
>> On 05/10/2014 08:33 PM, Kristov Atlas wrote:
>> >
>> >> The problem is no accountability, voters are locked in once the
>> decision is made. This made sense in the days of horseback travel, but in a
>> post-bitcoin world this idea is preposterous. Accountability is necessary
>> all the time, and applying the metaphors and tools of Bitcoin we can
>> achieve it.
>> >>
>> > No software can solve the issue of initiating violence. This is the
>> actual problem with politics, not accountability. Direct democracy might be
>> an incremental improvement, but I'd rather flip the board rather than
>> rearranging our chess pieces. It's time to evolve.
>> I agree. Using software to incrementally improve voting is putting
>> lipstick on a pig.
>> Enlightenment is the recognition that voting as a mechanism is incapable
>> of conveying legitimacy (if ethics really were derived from a majority
>> consensus, then we wouldn't recognize gang rape as evil).
>> The lawmaking process is not broken because of a failure in the election
>> systems - it's broken because it shouldn't exist.
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Anthony D'Onofrio
Chaos Collider - Dream. Design. Develop. Deploy.

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come
alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have
come alive." - Howard Thurman