:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Rethinking cryptocur…
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Auteur: Marvin Fernandes
Date: 2014-05-11 19:34 -000
À: System undo crew
CC: System undo crew
Sujet: Re: [unSYSTEM] Rethinking cryptocurrency as accountable distributed decisionmaking
Hi there

This is my first post on this list.
My name is Marvin (Real name) And i am in Amsterdam At the moment. Joined this list yesterday. I study Many UN-things. Write an essay on UN-ISM.

I would love to believe That unsys (And or its users/builders) could have the potential to (r)evolutionize current powerstructures. However how would we prevent it from being encapsulated into the Powers That be, since we use the Technology from those Powers And we are People with the Same humannesk features That lead to the current System?

Middelerwijl een schoon wees
Marvin Fernandes

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Sinclair Spectrum

Op 11 mei 2014 om 20:22 heeft Kristov Atlas <author@???> het volgende geschreven:

>> On May 11, 2014, at 11:44, Matthew Cahn <mpcahn@???> wrote:
>> Evolve to what exactly?
> Evolve from a murder-based society to one based on voluntary interactions. The blockchain is an extremely useful design pattern to help us get there because it gives us censorship-resistant, market-based methods for a geographically disparate, arbitrarily sized group of actors to reach consensus.
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