:: [unSYSTEM] BitPay riases 30m - Libe…
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Autor: Charlie 'Charles' Shrem
Fecha: 2014-05-08 21:46 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: [unSYSTEM] BitPay riases 30m - Libertarian ideals.
Bitpay just raised $30m at $160m valuation from Richard Branson, among
others. Three years ago, the company didn't exist. Amazing work Stephen
Pair and Antonio Gallippi, you guys are a shining light in the industry.


I have to say, it's really nice to see guys like Tony and Stephen
succeeding in the Bitcoin space, they started BitPay in 2011 when there
were very few of us around.

Particularly, because the Circle's and Coinbases say (direct quote from
Allaire) Bitcoins is "No longer the preserve of radical libertarians,
bitcoin will soon be dominated by a different animal: the suited

Tony is grounded Libertarian who has not allowed his principles to waver.
He is breaking down barriers set up by Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, ect.

He explained to a subcommittee of the Senate Banking Committee that he
believed Bitcoin had the power to transform the way Americans live their
financial lives--not just through secure transactions, but by creating an
immense ledger of property exchange, "a public record forever, for pennies."




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