:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Informal unSYSTEM Sk…
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Auteur: Robert Jakob
Date: 2014-05-03 04:42 -000
À: System undo crew
Sujet: Re: [unSYSTEM] Informal unSYSTEM Skype chat on Monday, May 5th at 19:00 US Central TZ

I know, you're right and I do appreciate the advice. I was hoping to use
Google+ so we can have video as well. We will have to wait and see how it
holds up, but Mumble is great and I will definitely use it for an interview
very soon.


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:28 PM, Alexander .S.T. Ross <
maillist_unsystem@???> wrote:

> <word> dam it! why are you discussing using proprietary things and/or
> monopoly’s!
> look Mumble gets the job done and is free software. in 5mins you can be
> setup, most of that time goes to the generic audio levels decisions
> which you have to make for any voice chat, mumble guides you with the
> helpfully wizard.
> Go and mumble with honour! :D : http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
> Instead of getting a account you just install it and connect to a server.
> Now you can use
> http://www.dyne.org/free-speech-mumble/ as suggested
> or
> you can use
> http://nexunity.org/
> where I am a admin (so I can do things like dedicate a private room
> permanently to unsystem). Your very welcome on nexunity.org, it's too be
> more then just a game server.
> but I should say that if your personal threat level is high then
> nexunity.org is a not err the toughest target. Saying that, it's vastly
> better then using skypiss :P - and it'll get the job done :) -
> I'll be on nexunity.org as MillWill, see you there :)
> To recap:
> 1. Get mumble: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
> 2. Connect to mumble.nexunity.org
> 3. say hello!
> For more info see this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn8bCd9n8j4
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