:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Fwd: Meshnets and Fr…
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Szerző: Uwe Cerron
Dátum: 2014-05-01 18:40 -000
Címzett: System undo crew
Tárgy: Re: [unSYSTEM] Fwd: Meshnets and Freedom
what do you guys think about maidsafe.net?

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Philip Glover <imphilipglover@???>wrote:

> Hi friends,
> I'd like to have a chat with the unSystem team about meshnets.
> I've come across a team (http://www.morphle.org/) that's developed
> hardware to recreate the internet as a worldwide, TOR-like meshnet. It uses
> hardware level encryption with oblivious routing to protect user privacy. I
> love the approach with DD, Dark Wallet, and Dark Market. I believe this
> Morphle team that found me has the hardware to assist the Dark Market
> infiltrate every neighborhood in the world at fiber-to-home connection
> speeds. We're starting one of our first NeighborNet projects in my home
> town.
> My name is Philip Glover, I'm from Bend, Oregon, and I have a passion for
> liberty. I'm hoping that our teams can collaborate to protect the ultimate
> Agora, where the State is powerless to prevent us from dividing our labor
> without their influence.
> Let there be dark.
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