:: Re: [unSYSTEM] oh fuck it's really …
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Συντάκτης: Amir Taaki
Ημερομηνία: 2014-04-26 09:30 -000
Προς: System undo crew
Αντικείμενο: Re: [unSYSTEM] oh fuck it's really happening... bitcoin is under attack
reducing the risk is newspeak for censorship

protection against fraud is codeword for surveillance.

> http://venturebeat.com/2014/03/26/circle-raises-17m-to-bring-bitcoin-out-of-the-shadows-for-merchants-consumers/
> "Launching today in closed beta — with a fresh $17 million in its pocket —
> Circle claims its first consumer product enables “faster transactions,
> lower costs, greater privacy safeguards and increased protection against
> fraud and identity theft.” The company plans to provide tools for both
> consumers and businesses, with the overall goal of reducing “the friction
> and risk that is currently associated with Bitcoin.”"
>> faster transactions, lower costs, greater privacy safeguards and
> increased protection against fraud and identity theft.
>> increased protection against fraud.
>> protection against fraud
>> provide tools for both consumers and businesses, with the overall goal
> of reducing “the friction and risk that is currently associated with
> Bitcoin.”
>> reducing the friction and risk
>> reducing the risk
> funny enough mike hearn quit google to work for circle.
> http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-abandons-anti-establishment-wall-street/
> Allaire is blunt about the transition bitcoin is going through, saying
> it’s “absolutely” moving away from its libertarian roots.
> lovely. they are going to rescue bitcoin from us.
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