Autor: Yasir Husain Fecha: 2014-03-24 01:08 -000 A: Bricolabs Asunto: Re: [Bricolabs] HONFablab's great new flic!
Fantastic Timi !
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stephen kovats <kovats@???> wrote:
>Hi Bricos,
>our friends at HONFablab in Yogyakarta just released a great little inspirational 'maker culture' gem .... 'DO MAKE SINDI TIMI':
> >
>A short film directed by Gentur Suria, 'DO MAKE SINDI TIMI' is perhaps the first ever 'maker culture romantic drama' ... !
>Can fablabs inspire you to follow your dream? TIMI is our real-life maker-hero who just goes for it, and does it! Wake up TIMI … Build your dream TIM! The rest is history and … love, love, love!
>r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH
>supermarkt studio 3
>brunnenstrasse 69
>13355 berlin
>+49 170 5887806
>tweet @intertwilight
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