Lähettäjä: Emmanuel Abiodun Päiväys: Vastaanottaja: System undo crew Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] Keeping your bitcoins safe
Can someone remove me from this list please
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Thomas Hartman <thomas@???> wrote: >https://www.google.com/#q=%22cold+wallet%22+electrum >
>Read the first few links here.
>Use electrum, and the rest of it depends how secure you want to be.
>The extreme is to build your own raspi cold machine, generate a
>(electrum of course) signing wallet there, throw the raspi machine
>into the ocean, and bury the signing wallet it in the desert where you
>dig it up every decade or so when you need to break open the cold
>funds ;)
>Every time you set up a raspi machine to load it with the cold wallet
>signing key and sign a transaction, you then throw away the raspi
>machine because it could be compromised now.
>One thing though. Make sure no one follows you into the desert to see
>where you buried the signing wallet.
>Even if you password protected it, you'll get waterboarded.
>Or, use coinbase and 2 factor auth.
>On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 1:55 AM, Robert Jakob <rsjakob@???>
>> Could someone please tell me if this is something to be worried
>> http://www.palkeo.com/code/stealing-bitcoin.html >>
>> What is the safest way to store bitcoins?
>> What is the best and most legit exchange?
>> Is BTC-e an exchange to be worried about?
>> I'm not a trader, but I do like to have some bitcoins and some
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