:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Cody Wilson
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Skribent: Amir Taaki
Til: unsystem
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] Cody Wilson
depends what you mean by "better"


there's different types of fascists, you can see their logic often.
we are all corrupted and you have millions of people vying for
competiting interests.


good and bad is a mistake. we all have different values.
ex. communists want equality, i want freedom.


marinelda works for the ppl living there and it's cool. but not for me &
my values.

also the wage slavery is another form of oppression but not every
anarchist agrees. there are many ways to organise a community,
opensource project or a society and none of them are wrong- just
different with different tradeoffs.

and yes there are utter cunts like donald rumsfeld in powerful positions
but i'd avoid generalising or painting everyone with the same brush.

what i don't like is moralisers who push their vision of life on me.

robert, these are for you:
we're taking steps towards this goal, maybe 1 year from now we start.

On 15/03/14 09:47, Robert Jakob wrote:
> I'm not so sure I completely agree with that, Cody. I also wouldn't
> completely disagree though. I'm a big Christopher Hitchens fan. So I
> tend to see Dictators, especially Theocratic Dictators, and even heads
> of religious organizations, including extremists, as a frightening
> plague in society. And are almost always completely devoid of humanity
> and compassion. American representative democracy certainly doesn't
> have any kind of moral high-ground. So they're both destined to implode.
> Which makes me wonder what a better system might look like. Would we be
> better off with a decentralised voting system where there is only a
> voluntary military force and taxes go towards health care and
> education? I mean, I've been to Kuwait and Afghanistan. And at the
> risk of sounding like some sort of capitalism apologist, I feel
> comfortable with saying that the vast majority of people in the U.S. are
> better off than most other countries in the world. Mostly because of,
> not in spite of, capitalistic exploitation, but that's nothing new
> either. They didn't invent profiteering and opportunism. I'm fairly
> sure, for better or worse, capitalism has just about run it's course
> though. Smarter men than me would have a difficult time speculating a
> time-frame, but it might be in everyone's best interests to transition
> into something a sustainable. I don't just mean renewable energy
> either. I've read Buckminster Fuller, Jacque Fresco, seen all the
> Zeitgeist documentaries, Culture in Decline, and countless other books
> and films. The unanswered question is how do we even begin to establish
> a more adequate system? The irony is the founders of America were
> trying to create a democratic utopia in complete opposition to
> dictatorial Monarchies and the Catholic Tyranny. Only to give birth to
> something that is arguably as bad or worse. I think those free-mason
> occultists would be rolling in their graves if they knew how horribly we
> squandered such a precious opportunity.
> I digress, I constantly consider what the future might look like. I
> like things like the Seasteading Institute and The Venus Project, but
> wouldn't it be easier and in everyone's best interest to fix the system
> we have instead of trying to start from scratch? Both options are
> daunting to say the least, but obviously worth the effort.
> I apologize about this lengthy disorganized rant, but it's worth
> discussing and there so many intelligent and motivated people involved
> in these discussions, we should be able to come up with some solutions
> or brainstorm about steps in the right direction. Anyway, we can't
> count on the capitalists or the government lead us into the future,
> because they only benefit from keeping everything exactly the same. I'm
> interested and anxious to know what everyone else's thoughts are.
> -Robert
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???
> <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu>> wrote:
>     Just meant he was to be dismissed as a locus of insight. He wins
>     awards and does commercials.

>     We all know bureaucratic capitalism is a much scarier thing than any
>     one tyrant.

>     On Mar 14, 2014 4:23 AM, "Jacob" <jacobusbogers@???
>     <mailto:jacobusbogers@gmail.com>> wrote:

>         BBC is gatekeeper bullshit

>         On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:21 PM, Bernd Jendrissek
>         <unsystem@??? <mailto:unsystem@bpj-code.co.za>> wrote:

>             On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 7:36 PM, Robert Jakob
>             <rsjakob@??? <mailto:rsjakob@gmail.com>> wrote:
>             > I wouldn't go as far as saying Obama is a grocery clerk or
>             a sales
>             > men, but it's obvious that he's pushing an agenda contrary
>             to what is
>             > actually healthy for the populous.

>             LOL, I don't even know what "Obama is a grocery clerk" is
>             supposed to mean.

>             > I think maybe the trick is that we think anyone is
>             actually in charge, but
>             > the reality is history is being driven by rich men for
>             their own person
>             > short term gains.

>             "The establishment" / government / "the elite" / whatever
>             are not
>             monolithic. They consist of individuals who each have their
>             individual
>             agendas: career-building, gaining commercial advantage, or even
>             ideology. These individuals often cooperate, but only loosely
>             (compared to the grand conspiracies that anti-establishment
>             types
>             often invoke).

>             > I know one thing for certain if I were running the show
>             > Cody Wilson wouldn't be allowed on network TV.  So either
>             they don't
>             > consider him a threat or he just hasn't threatened the
>             right people yet.

>             Or maybe there is no conspiracy. Maybe the host and the show
>             managers
>             just want to make a name for themselves, interviewing "edgy" /
>             "controversial" people, as a result gathering they eyeballs
>             that they
>             covet.
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