:: Re: [unSYSTEM] anyone involved in B…
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Skribent: Enric Duran Giralt
Dato: 2014-02-11 20:34 -000
Til: Joerg Platzer
CC: System undo crew
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] anyone involved in Berlin: Open-Access Bitcoin Community Hardware Traditing Platform ?
Hi Joerg!

Great to be in contact!

I am interested in some questions:
- Are you created and api to relate between lamassu ATM and the sellers
of bitcoin? Or are using any existent Api?
- have you a register process for the sellers? A web frontend for this?

Our Atm project will be part of a "network of exchange offices"
dealing with fiat money, cryptocurrencies and social currencies, in
order to create an economical autonomous system withot banks across


El 11/02/14 15:55, Joerg Platzer escribió:
> Hi there!
> This is Joerg from CECG, running ROOM77.
> Good that you like the idea.
> It is meant as an inspiration and as a playing field for us to develop the concept mentioned in that article (btw thanks I hadn't seen that yet). And it allows newbies to easily get their hands on enough Bitcoin to buy drinks in the hood and get started and learn about Bitcoin.
> There's so much more one can do with these machines than sell Coins for a fee (we are not taking any fees whatsoever). For example I am showing ex-pats living here that they can do international transactions instantly and at almost zero cost by putting 10 EUR in and displaying a QR-code of their friend in Argentina to the machine. We got a hell of a lot of Western-Union shops around here ;).
> ++jp
> ________________________________________
> Von: unSYSTEM [unsystem-bounces@???]" im Auftrag von "Enric Duran Giralt [enric@???]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Februar 2014 15:36
> An: System undo crew
> Betreff: [unSYSTEM] anyone involved in Berlin: Open-Access Bitcoin Community Hardware Traditing Platform ?
> Hello all
> I look for anyone from this project
> Open-Access Bitcoin Community Hardware Trading Platform
> https://bitcoinsberlin.com/en/bitcoin-open-exchange-atm-in-berlin/
> In Catalonia from CIC we are working in a network of ATM exchanges
> with the same goal
> "” Rather than an ATM holding bitcoins from a central owner, the
> automatic trading machine would allow owners of Bitcoin to sell their
> bitcoins via the ATM, and buyers to purchase those bitcoins at a later
> time. Once the seller has sold their bitcoins, they are alerted and can
> then collect their cash by verifying their ownership of the address that
> sold the coins cryptographically. Platzer describes the idea as a “local
> Bitcoin-deal timeshifting machine.”
> Could be interesting to learn about your technical ways to do this possible,
> Also our plan, is to do this integrated with dark wallet,
> cheers,
> enric
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