:: [unSYSTEM] anyone involved in Berli…
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Auteur: Enric Duran Giralt
Datum: 2014-02-11 11:56 -000
Aan: System undo crew
Onderwerp: [unSYSTEM] anyone involved in Berlin: Open-Access Bitcoin Community Hardware Traditing Platform ?
Hello all

I look for anyone from this project

Open-Access Bitcoin Community Hardware Trading Platform

In Catalonia from CIC we are working in a network of ATM exchanges
with the same goal

"” Rather than an ATM holding bitcoins from a central owner, the
automatic trading machine would allow owners of Bitcoin to sell their
bitcoins via the ATM, and buyers to purchase those bitcoins at a later
time. Once the seller has sold their bitcoins, they are alerted and can
then collect their cash by verifying their ownership of the address that
sold the coins cryptographically. Platzer describes the idea as a “local
Bitcoin-deal timeshifting machine.”

Could be interesting to learn about your technical ways to do this possible,

Also our plan, is to do this integrated with dark wallet,
