:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Amir on the BBC
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Auteur: Amir Taaki
Datum: 2014-02-08 17:32 -000
Aan: unsystem
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] Amir on the BBC
well you know if you make a corporation, and said corporation is given
access as one of a selective few to a wider market than you have hit the

there's another few who see bitcoin also as a tool, but seek to apply it
in a different way. through a combination of future vision, and
recognition of life being more than personal bank balances.
it might be a dawning social awareness, that there is more to life:
things like love, culture, experiences, personal growth ...

viewed through this lens, it becomes more crucial to preserve bitcoin
intact. because for every real loss to bitcoin as a technology even if
the market gains, translates to long term loss in potential of the

but if your goal is immediate profit, or winning support from profit
seekers (who don't have *your* interest aligned with theirs) at the
expense of effecting real change in the situation... it might be
tempting to throw up our hands, say "fuck it", and buy into the whole
paradigm that needs to be undermined. but then we are effecting our own
demise and sacrificing liberty for easy comfort. no one said this would
be easy, but the real long term reward is massive if we succeed - our
survival, our sovereignty, our freedom.

Bitcoin corporations want to become 'legit' so they seek regulation of
BTC. They are willing to sacrifice on the principles of Bitcoin to win
short term favour. They believe in placating to power in order to curry
special favour.
Part of this involves a phony clean image of Bitcoin with progress led
by professional men in suits. They are anti black-markets or any
association of them with Bitcoin. black-market is not a dirty world -
it's the oldest and purest form of trade. we shouldn't be ashamed. we
should not shy away from these connotations, as that's a big tactic used
to dominate and subjugate people into compliance. it's basically peer
pressure to conform when you think different.

On 08/02/14 20:17, jindq1 wrote:
> Haha. You said it buddy. Bitcoin is about personal profit and bitcoiners
> becoming the 1%, not about getting rid of the 1%. I really wish people
> would stop staring at the price and just learn to use bitcoin. The fact
> bitcoin is fueled primarily by greed and deception that I have begun to
> think projects like Ripple or even DogeCoin are more worth people's time.
> On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 7:18 PM, Amir Taaki <genjix@???
> <mailto:genjix@riseup.net>> wrote:
>     but he doesn't look respectable!

>     oh the good old days when we had decent individuals like trace mayer
>     representing us.

>     > high net-worth individuals pumping bitcoin
>     > bitcoin becomes legit
>     > big money invests
>     > my holdings go up
>     > bitcoin becomes legit, regulation ensues, corporations thrive
>     > fuck the small guy

>     On 08/02/14 14:52, Jason King wrote:
>     > Great piece with Amir talking about taking back the world with
>     bitcoin.
>     > Nice hoodie... :)
>     >

>     >
>     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU2a4AfleTE&feature=youtube_gdata_player

>     >

>     >

>     >
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