:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Florida Targets High…
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Auteur: Mike Gogulski
Date: 2014-02-07 21:05 -000
À: System undo crew
Sujet: Re: [unSYSTEM] Florida Targets High-Dollar Bitcoin Exchangers -- Krebs on Security
Just one adjustment here. This is not "where this trend is going". This
not a trend at all. It's entirely analogous to the "hear mention of
drugs, touch money, go to prison" crime-creation entrapment of the drug
war for the past 25 years.

This is hard fucking right-now reality, at least in the US. The pot has
been boiling for a long time now.

On 02/08/2014 12:19 AM, Adam Gibson wrote:
> The problem with this point of view is that you're acquiescing to the
> principle of thought crime. People are being prosecuted for their
> intentions. Their action is simply to sell bitcoin to someone for cash.
> It's inferred that they intended that the bitcoin then be used for
> illegal purposes. Do you not see where this trend is going? Every
> purchase or sale, every communication with another person, is going to
> be under total surveillance. If you buy a certain item of clothing it
> will be interpreted as an intent to commit crime, as a conspiracy for
> terrorism. Make no mistake, that is where this is going if there is no
> pushback. We are already in a world where people are thrown in prison
> for making jokes on twitter. How much further does it have to go before
> you see the problem? The frog is slowly warming up...
> On 02/08/2014 06:27 AM, JINDQ1 wrote:
>> Anyone who subscribes to /r/Bitcoin sees these instantly.
>> About the issue itself: why are so many bitcoiners such lazy, appologetic, careless types who get caught breaking laws they know already exist only to cry persecution later?
>> Have a brain people. You should not be surprised when someone tells you they are buying child porn with the bitcoins you give them automatically causes you to be on a warranted list of wire taps. Silk road, Shrem, Localbitcoins-- all caught for doing things aside from just using bitcoin, yet all ignorantly championed by bitcoiners as "pioneers".
>> Not all of us want murder for hire to be legal, nor stealing credit card info with intent to use it, nor allowing others to *aide* in such.
>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab
>> Amir Taaki <genjix@???> wrote:
>> woah no way! More Satoshi Square events please
>> On 07/02/14 23:07, Thomas Hartman wrote:
>>> http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/02/florida-targets-high-dollar-bitcoin-exchangers/
>>> Localbitcoin crackdown is beginning.
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