:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Where are all the wo…
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Autor: Anthony D'Onofrio
Data: 2014-01-29 19:33 -000
Para: System undo crew
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Where are all the women in Bitcoin? Here they are!
You lost me at the dumb whores part.
Value does not stem from living up to any culturally-mandated expectations.
Not culture at large and not yours or mine. Women should be able to dress
however they like and still demand respect and love. That includes American,
Muslim, Asian, slutty, skimpy, nude, sexy, frumpy - whatever. These women
are no less women because of the clothing they put on. They're just like
everyone else - tiny people on a big world in an even larger universe,
unsure of who they are and what they are, responding to the environment
they found themselves in, the mental state they were born into, and the
mental state of those around them.

Men respond to beautiful women. Even women respond to beautiful women.
A very simple marketing tool is getting beautiful women to stand next to a
product. Or hand out a product. Or use a product. This is not exploitative of
the beautiful women or reflective of their value. It is reflective of us as a whole,
human animals - who are driven by impulses that are not culturally mandated,
but which extend from our being as animals who require procreation and
survival. This is exploitative of the men who are tricked into associating this
product with beautiful women.

Sounds like you're having a rough day Amir. I hope it gets better.

On Jan 29, 2014, at 1:15 PM, Amir Taaki wrote:

> http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1wg481/hot_asian_chicks_giving_out_free_bitcoins_in_hong/
> This is trash and degrading to women. People have endless discussions
> about girls in Bitcoin and then talk like this.
> And why? Because it's about promoting girls who find their value through
> their sexuality + beauty, rather than what they objectively do as people.
> Most of you who don't understand are kissless virgins who will go
> through their life trying to buy the affection of women. Sex is good,
> love is great... but this attitude of trying to push bitcoin through
> sexy women with no brains vs pushing the smart women in our community is
> trash.
> For all the Bitcoiners who seek legitimacy/image and complain about me
> pushing drugs, where are the people saying this is wrong. This is one of
> the highest voted stories on the front page. What did these girls do to
> get that attention of all the Bitcoiners? And what about Elizabeth who
> works tirelessly on Bitcoin.
> We have smart capable women in our community, so why are we promoting
> these dumb whores? Who the fuck are they? Plastic girls with big tits?
> Wow you're so cool. It reminds me of when the BF choose that young
> plastic pretty spokesgirl to represent them on TV who knew nothing about
> bitcoin. And those BitPay adverts who use the girl in pretty red
> lipstick to push their product. Why not promote a world based on love
> with relationships established based on mutual understanding, rather
> than promoting a world where men make money to fuck good looking young
> bitches. 90% of you will never be in that bracket either.
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