:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Consent of the Surve…
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Autor: Caleb James DeLisle
Data: 2014-01-15 10:27 -000
A: System undo crew
Assumpte: Re: [unSYSTEM] Consent of the Surveiled
This guy is talking about some interesting concepts, thanks for linking it.
I think he's trying to see the NSA as unduly benevolent.

"They just want to keep you safe" is a common and reasonable human reaction
to a level of intrusion which is emotionally difficult to comprehend.
Indeed his point is slightly different "they just want to go on being a state"

but neither of these answers speak to the malware, the exploitation, the
technological sabotage and the overall repression of development in the field
of network security.

One might conclude that they really just want to develop every capability
possible "before the other guy does" but (assuming there are not factors we
don't know) things like their treatment of Moxie Marlinspike seems to cross a
line between just collecting capabilities and actually preventing the network
from organically securing itself.

Perhaps it could be said that they are insuring their own longevity by making
sure we need them for security but to create a problem in order to sell the
solution is actually the legal definition of a Racket.

On the topic of mobility, I don't actually see much impediment to mobility
now so there isn't much of significance that they have to offer in the
negotiation here. Indeed we are able to see above the clouds and therefor we
are responsible for hammering out the new deal, as it were, but technology
makes everything more efficient and government has to understand and accept
that some of their services will nolonger be required and downsizing will
have to be part of the deal.


On 01/13/2014 07:04 PM, Metatron YHVH wrote:
> This is what I would like to see more of. More interesting than the run of
> the mill opposition to surveillance.
> Doesn't make sense to scream for privacy and live in a city. Just saying.
> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Thomas Hartman
> <thomas@???>wrote:
>> http://www.ribbonfarm.com/2014/01/10/consent-of-the-surveiled/
>> I encourage everyone to have a look.
>> This essay outlines framework for a new and more meaningful social
>> contract.
>> Essentially, the government will never stop spying on the citizens. Let's
>> accept this and negotiate intelligently.
>> Mutatis mutandis.
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