Autor: d3 Datum: 2014-01-13 22:19 -000 To: System undo crew Betreff: Re: [unSYSTEM] Video from Milan
Great idea Jason!
On 13/01/14 23:22, Jason King wrote: > Hey guys,
> I've been losing much sleep over tinkering with the ideas of DAC's
> for charitable and humanitarian uses. I'm calling the concept a
> S.R.H.E (pronounced like HOORAY! with an S) Self Replicating
> Humanity Engines.
> Very basic concept is an individual sustainable system or "engine"
> in which a quotient of "good" is produced along with a surplus of
> value that can be used towards the creation of another "engine". An
> example would be a sustainable farm that A) Feeds the Homeless B)
> Sustains itself C) Produces a bumper crop that can be sold for
> surplus revenue and eventually used to fund the creation of another
> I'm a long way from anything good on this. But it has captured a
> huge portion of my mental bandwidth.
> I had a question, this rabbit hole spawned from a series of
> conversations Mihai and I had in Milan. I seem to remember one of
> our rants being video taped. Is there any possibility that I might
> get a copy of that footage if it exists?
> Thanks
> Jason
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