Autor: Anthony D'Onofrio Fecha: 2014-01-01 19:16 -000 A: Wendell Cc: System undo crew Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Jacob Applebaum @ CCC
Yes of course I watched the video. :)
The NSA is the floundering attempt of a dying paradigm to control a world that it was not built for.
Civilization is for the benefit of the people. These systems of government were technologies designed to protect us, but have become corrupt.
But let's not forget that the systems are filled only with people. People who have hopes and dreams - who go home to their families. Who have past experiences and future plans. People who came into the world tiny and screaming and who will live it as the life slips from their weak body. They will decay and be forgotten to history, like a story never told. Like the systems they support ultimately will as well. They are no gods.
Yes the systems are big, and they are corrupt. But they are the machinations of men. They are the constructs of fear, violence, and corruption. They fight an unseen enemy driven by the primal terror of destruction, led by those who simply want to see the world burn for their benefit.
But these systems are really ours. They were crafted and built by our brothers and sisters. Many who simply want what we do - love, life, peace, freedom, happiness, respect, liberty. But fear has overcome them and like a disease it eats away at those it was created to protect. It sees the whole world as potential enemies to destroy. It's heart beats with a fear that has become toxic.
We must realize that the evil which pumps through these system lives in us as well. It will slowly attempt to eat at everything we build as well. Everything we create must be constructed with this understanding. Nothing is future proof. No system infallible. We cannot simply hope that we will build technological systems which save us from ourselves.
We must, however, realize that we are not just building technology to subvert things we don't like. We are building technology to catalyze a world we can love. If we are the builders then we can set the initial trajectory. We have a deep responsibility.
It is our duty to imbue it with first principles and first applications which free instead of enslave. These things will set the foundation for future histories, and how this story ultimately plays out.
We can and must create out of love for what is possible. For the wonder of creation. For the miracle of being. That is the one power we have that they never will, and because we can - we must. Fear of what we cannot control cannot be our guiding light. It will simply grow to burn us like it has done to them. Let's not forget that.
But what could DACs do? Fund rebuilding of all of the networks from hardware to protocol. Hire an army of journalists. Compile all learning research, make it all free. Educate the children, free our brothers and sisters from mental shackles. Help us to build an enlightened world. And they can make everyone who helps invest in this reality rich.
I was born with a dream. It has realistically never been so close. When you dream big you find yourself in a world with many other dreamers, but some are trapped in nightmares. The nightmares must be overcome an the fear alleviated. Dreamers want to dream. They simply need a safe place to do it.
If we build a better world, they will come. The NSA, CIA, and other world governments aren't our enemies. They're legacy hardware running legacy software. They will be upgraded. It is not us that make that decision, it is simply the nature of universal order. We are on the right side of history, and we will prevail. We do not drive this movement. Something larger compels us - Something that has been here long before our individual births. We are simply the eyes and ears lucky enough to be here at this moment in time.
We are giving birth to a new world. It might hurt a little. But keep the light inside of you alive. We need it to illuminate the dark hallways we will be navigating on this epic journey. Dream my friend, dream.
With love,
Your brother
> On Jan 1, 2014, at 1:27 AM, Wendell <w@???> wrote:
> Did you watch the video?
> I hate to burst our collective techno-utopian bubble, but IMO the NSA is already a kind of malformed DAC, one with a LOT of active bounties being funded and accepted by significant numbers of less-than-scrupulous vendors.
> Remember, they're not just poisoning the software, they're also poisoning the HARDWARE and the NETWORK. From the sound of things in that talk, it seems we have to pretty much rebuild our entire info-technological base from scratch, all while sustaining heavy fire in every sense.
> DACs will not be some kind of panacea. We have not even begun to consider their black-hat uses and implications anyway.
> -wendell
> | | pgp: B7179FA88C498718
>> On Dec 30, 2013, at 6:25 PM, Anthony D'Onofrio wrote:
>> The next generation of DACs and bounties will allow us to rapidly solve these problems. We can create a bounty for things like this. We will be able to raise money and create bounties within the scope of a DAC, outsource the identification of both technical and non-technical vectors for solving problems, and then the DAC will monetarily reward people for building the required infrastructure and accomplishing goals initially set forth by the DAC specification.
>> Most people only move so far as their revenue streams allow them. This will allow large amounts of money to be crowdsourced and then spent on building the necessary social, technological, and political infrastructure necessary. All living in a decentralized cloud that leaves participants blameless.
>> We may not be able to solve the problems with only technical solutions, but we can create technical solutions which act as catalysts to solve the problems as quickly and efficiently as possible. This being commonplace is realistically less than 6 months out.